As has been demonstrated by the data in tables 1, 3, 5 and 6, the total average yields of two rice crops have reached 15,482 kg/ha (7,937 kg/ha on early rice and 7,545 kg/ha on late rice) at Shaoxing and 14,876 kg/ha (5,943 and 8,942 kg/ha on early and la |
中文意思: 表1、3、5、6中数据显示,两季水稻总平均产量在绍兴已达到15,482公斤/公顷(早稻7939,晚稻7545公斤/公顷),在富阳已达到14,876公斤/公顷(早稻5943,晚稻8942公斤/公顷),该产量已达到或接近浙江省推行的吨粮田计划中三季稻的产量目标。 |
As half-time approached, Sky television's cliché-ridden, platitude-spouting commentator Andy Gray chose to highlight the minimal impact Michael Ballack and Andriy Shevchenko were having on the game.
当上半场临近结束时,天空体育台将将比赛画面调暗,而比赛解说员安迪格雷正欲就巴拉克和舍甫琴科在上半时的表现做出评价。 |
As hands of clocks keep running day and night, the sun and the moon work according to schedule. The children have grown along with seasonal changes.
时钟的时针、分针和秒针每天不停转动;太阳伯伯和月亮姐姐每日随著时间的转变而上班下班;春夏秋冬在更替之际,小朋友亦不断长大。 |
As happened with Greece, Spain and Portugal in the 1980s, joining the EU club has helped entrench democracy, the rule of law and economic growth in countries that for too long had none of these things.
20世纪80年代,希腊、西班牙和葡萄牙的入盟保障了民主、法治和经济的发展,这些东西在三个国家中曾长期缺乏。 |
As happens in democracies, they started to vote for the opposition—which tended to be on the left.
民主的体制自然使他们将选票投给了具有左翼倾向的反对派。 |
As harmony is the determinandum of relationship, only relationship can be predicated to be harmonious or disharmonious.
摘要和谐是关系的规定,只有关系才有和谐不和谐的问题。 |
As has been demonstrated by the data in tables 1, 3, 5 and 6, the total average yields of two rice crops have reached 15,482 kg/ha (7,937 kg/ha on early rice and 7,545 kg/ha on late rice) at Shaoxing and 14,876 kg/ha (5,943 and 8,942 kg/ha on early and la
表1、3、5、6中数据显示,两季水稻总平均产量在绍兴已达到15,482公斤/公顷(早稻7939,晚稻7545公斤/公顷),在富阳已达到14,876公斤/公顷(早稻5943,晚稻8942公斤/公顷),该产量已达到或接近浙江省推行的吨粮田计划中三季稻的产量目标。 |
As has been done this day, so Jehovah has commanded to do, to make expiation for you.
34今天所行的,耶和华吩咐要照样去行,为你们遮罪。 |
As has been mentioned, self-denigration has been at the core of the Chinese noton of politeness for over two thousand years, the Chinese in order to show modesty will go to such lengths as to underrate what he himself has achieved and deny the truth of a
正如所提到的,自贬是两千年来中国人表现礼貌的观念,中国人为了表现谦虚会极力地贬低自我所取得的成就并否认别人赞美的真相。 |
As has been reported, China's new labour contract law covers a broad range of issues, such as contents of labour contract, collective contracts and compensations; however, ITS implementation and impact on HR and CSR issues is not yet clear to most busines
新法自起草以来因牵涉到了多方的利益而引起了各行各业的广泛关注,但新法的将如何实施、新法将对企业的人力资源管理产生如何的影响、新法将对中国社会责任发展起到什么作用等等问题对于很多企业而言仍然未明。 |
As has been said, the development of the Surrey suburbs took place in the 20th Century.
就像我已经说的,萨里郡的小区都是在20世纪兴建起来的。 |
As has been widely reported in the press, there were some internal disagreements over what the team would work on next.
正如报章杂志广泛报道的那样,这个团队对于下一步的工作产生了内部分歧。 |