He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.
9他在耶和华面前是个英勇的猎户,所以俗语说,像宁录在耶和华面前是个英勇的猎户。 |
He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; that is why it is said, Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the LORD.
9他在耶和华面前是个英勇的猎户,所以俗语说,像宁录在耶和华面前是个英勇的猎户。 |
He was a nephew of my friend.
他是我朋友的侄子。 |
He was a new upstart and a gentleman of the first head.
他是个暴发户,是个新封的贵族。 |
He was a non-roster invitee to camp and became one of the last farmed across the street to the Minor League complex as cuts were made.
当时他是被邀请进行训练(尚未排入名单内),然后因为大都会未续约而被洋基签下。 |
He was a notable lawyer.
他是一名著名的律师。 |
He was a passive member of the committee.
他是那个委员会的一名被动的委员。 |
He was a patriotic soldier, he fought bravely in the battle.
他是个爱国的战士,在战斗中勇敢作战。 |
He was a patriotic, adventurous and romantic writer.
他是一个具有爱国热情、探索精神和浪漫风格的作家。 |
He was a perfectionist with regard to his makeup, costumes, dramatic and musical preparation, and was very attentive to the staging of shows he performed in.
他亦是个完美主义者,充分表现在对制作,服装,道具,戏剧表现力,音乐表现性等各方面都面面俱到的精心准备上,并极为关切舞台环境的布局等等......。 |
He was a person who could tell things accurately by intuition.
他是个能凭直觉准确判断事物的人。 |