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After dinner, Susan carried the baby into my parents' bedroom to diaper her.

After dinner we usually go into the living-room. 我们吃晚餐后通常到起居室。
After dinner we wash dishes in turn. 吃完饭后我们轮流洗碗。
After dinner you just sit down and relax and watch TV, and let me clean up the kitchen. 吃完饭,你就去坐下,看看电视,轻松轻松,让我来把厨房打扫乾净。
After dinner, I often do my homework and then watch TV for a little while. 晚餐后,我经常做作业然后看一会儿电视。
After dinner, I went to the cinema with my friends. 晚饭后,我和朋友去了看电影。
After dinner, Susan carried the baby into my parents' bedroom to diaper her. 晚饭过后,苏珊把孩子抱进父母的卧室换尿布。
After dinner, William s dad took him aside. 晚饭后,威廉的父亲把他带到一旁。
After dinner, a cassette tape (voiced by the legendary Orson Welles) accuses them all of crimes that they have gotten away with. 在晚餐之后,一卷盒式录音带责备他们所有的人已经逃避了的罪行。
After dinner, no one dared to sleep. 吃过饭后,谁也不敢睡觉。
After dinner, they adjourned to the study to talk. 晚饭后,他们到书房谈话去了。
After dinner, we immediately adjourned to the schoolroom: lessons recommenced, and were continued till five o'clock. 吃罢午饭,我们立则去教室,又开始上课,一直到五点钟。

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