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INTRODUCTION :Spread before us some polyhedron doors. But because of the same-painted color,people can not see their difference from different angle.

INTRODUCTION :Intelligent and moving water, alludes the mixing and infiltration of all lives. Also the water is a metaphor to the idea of modern sculpture and an oriental aesthetics symbol. 作品简介:灵动的水,寓意着万物生命的融合与渗透。东方美学符号与现代雕塑理念的融通如灵动的水贯穿于作品之中。
INTRODUCTION :It is an age of information, multi-culture co-esists.The boat made of iron tube is like a web,forming an internet communication space. 作品简介:网络时代,信息的交流、沟通;多元文化的共生。方舟之型,用钢管折转,构成一多变而互为联通的网络空间。
INTRODUCTION :It is made of components of wasted machine with the height of 135cm and length of 94cm and width of 70cm, symbolizing the transformation and extortion of life. 作品简介:此作品由废旧机器零件制作而成,它的动态为一个行走者,象征着生命的转换,生命的延续。
INTRODUCTION :It's Dream roaming in the honzon. It's Dream Shuttling in the time and space, such carefree in the Dream world.Instant,be awake.That's short life as if Dream. 作品简介:这是遨游于天际的梦、穿梭于时空的梦,梦中的世界是如此的自由自在。在梦醒的刹那,如同从水面浮出一般,轻松而又隐怀着一丝遗憾。
INTRODUCTION :On a hot summer day, four lovely kids are playing in the riverside,which natually will bring us back to our childhood, thinking the life of living faraway of the meftropolis, devoting ourselves to the nature with flowers, green grass and str 作品简介:夏季炎炎,四个可爱的孩童在河边嬉戏,如此情态生动的场景,不由使人想到自己的童年,萌发暂别繁华都市生活,投身于花香草茂、溪水淙淙的大自然之中去寻找童年记忆的冲动。
INTRODUCTION :Spread before us some polyhedron doors. But because of the same-painted color,people can not see their difference from different angle. 作品简介:作品展现在我们面前的是由数个多面体所组建而成的门,因为上色的统一,致使人们在观赏时,无论是在哪个角度,所看到的门都是不径相同的。
INTRODUCTION :Standing against the wind, the maid seems to be feeling the breathe of on-coming spring. 作品简介:少女迎风而立,仿佛在迎接远方来的春的气息。
INTRODUCTION :The elegant girl stands there quietly like a small white poplar. 作品简介:女孩静静地站在那儿,就象一棵小小的白杨轻盈飘逸。
INTRODUCTION :The moment of flash of mother and child depicts the iternal topic of maternal love. 作品简介:作品通过捕捉母子间的一个小小的瞬间,生动的表现了母与子这一永恒的主题。
INTRODUCTION :The red ball is considered as celestial body and its geometric frame work is thought as space on physics. 作品简介:红色的球体可以被看作是天体,几何形的边框结构,可以理解为宇宙空间物理学上的阐释。
INTRODUCTION :The sculpture represents a champion cycling fast on the lane to send the best wishes to all the master sportsman who will be attending the 2008 Olympic in Beijing. 作品简介:作品表现的是一个自行车赛手飞驰于赛道之上。2008年奥林匹克运动会将在北京举行,衷心祝愿中国体育健儿们取得优异的成绩。

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