While reasons, such as busy working, air-pollution or space limit, often make it difficult for people to realize their dream.
但苦于工作繁忙、空气污染、居室狭小及预算限制等诸多原因,往往使许多美好的愿望难以实现。 |
While recent studies have identified a growing number of antioxidants in fruits, vegetables and whole grains that show potential for fighting colon cancer, this is believed to be the first study to demonstrate the cancer-fighting potential of pterostilben
近来很多研究均证实,在水果、蔬菜及整体五谷中存在很多抗氧化物质,这些物质均具有潜在的抗结肠癌能力;但是,科学家们认为该研究首次证实了紫檀芪的抗结肠癌的潜能。 |
While recent years have seen the All Blacks struggling to match their past successes, the emergence of skillful professionals such as Tongan-born winger Jonah Lomu ensures that the famous black jersey with the silver fern on the left breast is still able
近几年,“全黑队”努力想恢复旧日荣光,球技超群的职业球员如:汤加出生的侧翼大将乔纳·洛姆等一一出现,则可以保证:这件著名的左胸前镶有银蕨(注:新西兰的国徽)的黑色球衣,还是能让敌手胆战心惊、让观众肃然起敬的。 |
While recently working on a project, I needed to create a series of subdirectories from a user supplied string. These could be two, three, four or more deep.
在最近的一个项目中,我需要从一个用户提供的子目录中创建一系列子目录。可以是两层、三层、四层或更深的目录。 |
While red wine is the best source of the molecule, it's also found in peanuts and grape juice.
虽然红酒是活性分子的最佳来源,花生和葡萄汁中同样也含有这种分子。 |
While reducing expenditures, you need broaden your way earning money.
虽然收入不菲,但总觉得钱不够用! |
While references are not easily accessible, and students' knowledge varies from one to another, they can complement each other, and therefore save much time and energy.
尽管由于人多参考书相对不那么容易得到,而且学生们的知识结构彼此各不相同,但他们可以相互补充,并且由此节约大量的时间和精力。 |
While regular phones can cost as little as £40-£50 each, IP handsets cost between £100 and £150, and their added complexity is likely to require staff training.
而且由于增加了一些复杂的功能,可能还需要对员工进行培训。 |
While rejecting Europe's decision to call Hamas a terrorist group, Russia frequently complains that Europeans do not denounce separatist groups in Chechnya as terrorist organizations.
当拒绝接受欧洲称哈马斯是恐怖组织的决定时,俄罗斯屡次抱怨欧洲人没公开指责车臣分离主义团体是恐怖组织。 |
While religion seriously hindered the progress of modem science, it also unmistakably played an active role in the rising of science in the modem history.
宗教曾对近代科学的兴起起过致命的迫害和阻滞作用,但它同时也是近代科学兴起的一个积极因素。 |
While remaining \'on the bit\' and maintaining a light and soft contact with the rider\'s hand, the horse may quietly chew the bit and should be ready to move off at the slightest indication of the rider.
颈部抬起,项部高居,马头在垂直线稍前方,保持\'受衔\'姿势,并且和骑手的手保持轻微、柔和的接触,安静地咬著口衔,随时准备按骑手最轻微的指示立即运动。 |