In 2005, citing national-security concerns, Congress succeeded in thwarting the $19 billion bid by China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) for Unocal, an American oil major with reserves in Asia.
2005年,出于国土安全考虑,美国会否决了中海油对优尼科这家主要储备在亚洲的美国石油企业的收购案。 |
In 2005, donors forgave vast amounts of red ink; last year, they wrote off a little less ($3 billion of Iraq's outstanding debts; $11 billion of Nigeria's).
2005年,捐助国免除了大量的债务;去年,他们免除得少了一些(伊拉克未偿还的30亿美元债务以及尼日利亚110亿美元的债务)。 |
In 2005, farmer's net income reached RMB 2,803 with average annual growth rate of 8 percent while urban citizens' per capita disposable income amounted to RMB 8,386 with average annual growth rate of 7.3 percent.
2005年农民人均纯收入达到2803元,年均增长8%;城镇居民人均可支配收入达到8386元,年均增长7.3%。 |
In 2005, our company won stably development and the fixed assets come to 100 million, the production value reached to 200 million. We are now striding forward to the collectivized scale.
公司取得了稳定高速的发展,固定资产达到1个亿,年产值近叁个亿。目前公司正在迅速的向集团化规模迈进。 |
In 2005, she visit Fukuoka Dental College in Japan to study implantology.
专长为种植体支持的赝复体修复,硅橡胶配色及假体制作。 |
In 2005, she was awarded “Beijing Outstanding Moral Education Teacher”.
2005年被评为“北京市高校德育先进工作者”。 |
In 2005, state media reported that pollution made major portions of China's river water and ground water supplies were unsafe.
中国官方媒体2005年报导,污染使得中国大部份河水和地下水不安全。 |
In 2005, the Chinese telecommunication industry, under the guidance of the state policy, has achieved the metamorphosis of going from small growth to quantum leap.
2006年,在国家强有力政策的调节下,我国通信业再一次实现了从“量变”到“质变”的飞跃。 |
In 2005, the Department of Health funded Draper Report found that children who lived within 200 metres of high voltage lines had a 70% higher risk of developing leukaemia than those who lived more than 600 metres away.
2005年,英国卫生部资助的一项研究显示,在高压电缆塔周围200米内的儿童患白血病的机率比居住在电缆塔600米外的儿童要高70%。 |
In 2005, the Group bought off the 5000-mu water-covered area and land resources using and profit-earning right of Songlu Lake, which signifies another powerful advance of this Group towards multi-industry development.
2005年,集团买断宋鲁湖5000亩水域及土地资源的使用权和收益权,这是集团向多产业发展的又一力作。 |
In 2005, the brand value of Hongta Group is RMB 51.5 billion and Hongta brand had once ranked No. 1 for the most valued brand in China for 7 consecutive years.
2005年红塔集团品牌价值515亿,并曾连续七年蝉联中国最有价值品牌第一名。 |