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But both behavioral therapy and working memory training require diligence and patience from parents, teachers and therapists.

But blogger Hossein Derakhshan says there is no reliable online translation program for Persian. 但却没有一个可靠的波斯文网上翻译工具。
But bloggers made sure the story was on the Web. 而报纸既不报道有关案件调查的进展,而电视也没有及时报道。
But blogging is no longer a niche pastime, the preserve of techies and hacks. 但是,写博客日记已不再是一种小范围的消遣活动,不再是技术人员和黑客的保留地了。
But bomb builders remained skeptical: Building a nuclear bomb involved more than equations on paper. 但炸弹建设者仍然怀疑:建设一个原子弹涉及多于方程在纸面上.
But both banks are deeply rooted in retail and commercial banking too. 同时,两家银行均以零售和商业银行业务为基石。
But both behavioral therapy and working memory training require diligence and patience from parents, teachers and therapists. 不过,不论行为治疗和工作记忆训练,都需要父母、师长与治疗师的耐心和全心投入。
But both cities have put local commanders in charge of cutting crime on their patches. 但是这两个城市都设立了专门的地方警察局长负责减少辖区内犯罪案件。
But both insects and spiders live hid-den away, creeping through under-ground and living in gardens and forests.Occasionally, they come to stay in our homes. 但是,昆虫和蜘蛛都生活在隐蔽处,在地下爬行,出没在花园、森林中。偶而他们也会到我们的家中。
But both methods require about the same technological sophistication. 但是,这两种方法都需要同样的技术上的技巧。
But both of them are often not the most efficient way to terminate the test. 但是它们有相同的不足,就是在试验结束后才进行数据分析,无法进行实时的动态控制。
But both of them are stonewalling - they refuse to answer any questions at all. 但是,这两人都拒绝回答任何问题,企图蒙混过去。

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