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More anthraquinone compounds was distributed in pith ray cells and the tissues of mature stem suchas bundle sheaths in large-scale vascular bundle, primary phloem and primary xylem than that in young stem. [Conclusion] The distribution of anthraquinone co

More and more young people go to evening school to learn how to use the computer. 越来越多的年轻人上夜校去学习如何使用电脑。
More and more young people object to spoon -feeding and learning by rote. 越来越多年轻人反对填鸭式教学和死记硬背.
More and more young women were college educated. 越来越多的年轻母请都是大学学历。
More and more, companies are discovering that risk, safety and environmental issues are interrelated, and can be best addressed in an integrated manner. 这些公司发现越来越多的风险与安全和环保有关,并且能以合并的方式一起解决。
More and more, we mistake its rhythmic pulse for our own, thus mistaking the demands of the world with our desires. 我们越来越多地把这种有节奏的脉动误以为是我们自己的心跳,随之也就把世人的需求当作我们自己的愿望。
More anthraquinone compounds was distributed in pith ray cells and the tissues of mature stem suchas bundle sheaths in large-scale vascular bundle, primary phloem and primary xylem than that in young stem. [Conclusion] The distribution of anthraquinone co [结果]随着茎的不断成熟,在茎的表皮、近表皮的1~2层皮层细胞及较内部皮层中,不同程度地增加贮藏和积累了一定数量的蒽醌类化合物,成为茎外部贮藏和积累蒽醌共化合物的主要结构部位成热茎大型维管束的维管束鞘、初生韧皮部、初生木质部等组织和髓射线细胞分布了比幼茎多的蒽醌类化合物。
More attention on neuroscience is a new trend in cognitive science. 重视神经科学的研究成为当今认知科学的一个趋势。
More attention should be paid at present to developing our industry. 目前应该更加注意发展我们的工业。
More audaciously, he had demanded investigations into several of an alleged 400 cases where people have disappeared, mostly from his native Baluchistan, where an insurgency is flickering. 更勇敢的是,他还要求调查据称共400起公民失踪案件中的数起,其中大部分来自于他那闪烁着暴动星火的家乡—俾路支省。
More auto function, and long lifetime of mainframe with better stability. 自动化功能更多,整机寿命以及稳定性能更佳。
More awareness and consciousness in areas of previous unconsciousness. 对过去的无明,有著更多的醒误与觉察。

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