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An army commander must be skilled in tactics.

An armistice suspends military operations by mutual agreement between the belligerent parties. 透过敌对双方的协议,休战协定搁置军事行动。
An armored protective cylinder around a revolving gun turret on a warship. 军舰上的露天炮塔军舰上旋转炮塔四周的保护性装甲圆柱体
An arms race in space would leave everyone, including its “winner”, worse off. 太空军事竞赛会使得每个人包括胜利者得不偿失。
An army AH1W Cobra helicopter, one of 42 purchased from the US in 1992, crashed this morning into the Dieggi Dam this morning at 7:20am during a routine training flight. 陆军一只AH1W目镜蛇直升机,一九九二年向米国买耶四十二只其中一只,今阿日朝起七点二十分栽落去德基水库内。
An army commadnder must be skilled in tactics. 一名军事指挥官必须对战术很老练。
An army commander must be skilled in tactics. 一名军事指挥官必须精通战术。
An army designed to have 17 brigades on active deployment now has 25 in the field. 一支本来设计为应有17个旅随时接受调度的军队现有却有25个旅在战场上。
An army of ants. ATTACK! The ants are everywhere. 一支蚂蚁大军。进攻!到处都是蚂蚁。
An army of cards. Two, four, eight, sixteen. Many, many cards. 一支纸牌大军。2,4,8,16。有很多很多张纸牌。
An army of lawyers is busy preparing suits against Ashland Oil in the wake of a massive diesel-fuel spill that still is snaking its way down the Ohio River. 一大批律师正忙于起草文件用以控告爱尔兰石油公司,该公司的油槽溢出大量的柴油,目前正蜿蜒而下污染俄亥俄河。
An army of lawyers, consultants and financial advisers guides companies though the BEE maze. BEE的规定错综复杂,但是有许多律师,咨询师和财务分析师可以为公司提供指导服务。

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