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In a sale by trial, the parties may prescribe the trial period.

In a salad bowl, combine the arugula, lettuce, tomatoes, orange, olives, and onion. Add the dressing, tossing to coat well. 在一个沙拉碗里,把芝麻菜叶,莴苣,西红柿,橘子,橄榄和洋葱混在一起。加上调味品,充分地搅拌使之裹匀。
In a sale by installment payment, where the buyer failed to make payments as they became due, if the delinquent amount has reached one fifth of the total price, the seller may require payment of the full price from the buyer or terminate the contract. 第一百六十七条分期付款的买受人未支付到期价款的金额达到全部价款的五分之一的,出卖人可以要求买受人支付全部价款或者解除合同。
In a sale by sample, if the buyer was not aware of a latent defect in the sample, the subject matter delivered by the seller shall nevertheless comply with the normal quality standard for a like item, even though the subject matter delivered complies with 第一百六十九条凭样品买卖的买受人不知道样品有隐蔽瑕疵的,即使交付的标的物与样品相同,出卖人交付的标的物的质量仍然应当符合同种物的通常标准。
In a sale by sample, the parties shall place the sample under seal, and may specify the quality of the sample. 第一百六十八条凭样品买卖的当事人应当封存样品,并可以对样品质量予以说明。
In a sale by tender, matters such as the rights and obligations of the parties and the tendering procedure, etc. are governed by the relevant laws and administrative regulations. 第一百七十二条招标投标买卖的当事人的权利和义务以及招标投标程序等,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定。
In a sale by trial, the parties may prescribe the trial period. 第一百七十条试用买卖的当事人可以约定标的物的试用期间。
In a sale of any subject matter which contains intellectual property such as computer software, etc., the intellectual property in the subject matter does not vest in the buyer, except otherwise provided by law or agreed by the parties. 第一百三十七条出卖具有知识产权的计算机软件等标的物的,除法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的以外,该标的物的知识产权不属于买受人。
In a saucepan on low heat, combine marshmallows and milk. Cook until marshmallows are melted, and mixture starts to boil. Remove from heat. 把棉花糖和牛奶放到一小锅里,低火煮开,直至棉花糖融化。移开。
In a scheme that smacks of carrying coal to Newcastle, scientists have proposed importing sharks to Australia's east coast - causing consternation among tourism and beach safety authorities. 近日,澳大利亚的科学家们建议进口外表凶猛的沙锥齿鲨并放入澳大利亚东海岸,这一提议立即吓坏了海滩游客和安保部门。
In a school without an auditorium, 在没有礼堂学校,
In a scientific life that has been remarkably broad in scope, Mildred Dresselhaus has not forgotten to go deep as well. 蜜德莉.崔瑟豪斯的科学生涯,涉及的面向极为广泛,但是她没有忽略深度。

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