This athlete has a powerful frame.
这位运动员有着魁梧的体格。 |
This athlete is world-beater.
这位选手是天下无敌的。 |
This athlete stunning in football match today.
在今天的足球赛中这个球员的表现简直好极了! |
This atlas contains fifty maps, including six of North America.
这部地图集有50幅地图,包括6副北美的地图。 |
This atmosphere of fear not only quells a child's love of learning and suppresses his native curiosity, but also makes him afraid of taking chances and risks which may be necessary for true learning to occur.
这种让孩子害怕的氛围不但扼杀了孩子的读书欲望,抑制了孩子天生的好奇心,而且使孩子害怕冒险,不愿意为自己争取机会,而这些恰恰是促使孩子形成真正学习行为所必须的东西。 |
This atrophied after Lemuria's fall and became the pineal gland still found in modern humans.
这是利莫里亚下沉后的衰退,松果腺仍然可以从现代人中找到。 |
This attachment is about 9 process define and some field control in flow while somebody want to design or architecture can reference it.
9张自己制作的架构图说明了一个简单的签核表单设计所需要的流程与控制栏位。 |
This attack counts as the rogue's attack of opportunity for that round.
如果反射检定成功游荡者仍然不承受任何伤害,不过如果失败,游荡者将只承受一半的受害。 |
This attack was the culmination of a three-month period that had seen a very sharp increase in the incidence of suicide terrorist attacks against Israeli civilian and military personnel, and the military and security services had proved unable to stem the
过去三个月以来,针对以色列平民及军人的自杀性恐怖袭击事件急剧升温,这次袭击达到了最高点,军事安全局已无力遏制这一局势。 |
This attempt to sidestep the question of what intelligence is was very ingenious.
这种回避了什么智能的问题的尝试是非常巧妙的。 |
This attention to things of the past and to tradition is even more admirable if you think that Finland, which entered late into European history, does not have the enormous number of monuments and works of art, which other countries can boast about.
如果你认为芬兰在欧洲历史上只是个无足轻重的小角色,在艺术方面也没什么建树,不能像其它国家那样有那么多值得夸耀的文化和历史,那么芬兰人这种对传统和过去的关注则让我们的钦佩油然而生。 |