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On a server with two ethernet cards, sshd will by default listen on both ethernet interfaces, on port 22. This is usually what you want.

On a scale of one to ten, their passion level is about a 12. 在1到10的标尺上,他们的热情程度达到12。
On a secure video link from the campaign trail, President Bush discussed the bin Laden tape with his attorney general, the heads of the CIA and FBI, and his director of Homeland Security. 布什总统在竞选途中通过保密的录像系统同司法部长、中央情报局局长、联邦调查局局长以及国土安全部官员就本拉登的录像带进行了商讨。
On a separate issue, China last week denied a newspaper story about a World Band report on the cost of pollution in that country. 另一方面,上周,中国否认了世界银行关于在中国污染消耗成本方面报告的传言。
On a separate issue, China last week denied a newspaper story about a World Bank report on the cost of pollution in that country. 另外,上周中国否认报纸报道的世界银行关于中国污染成本的报告。
On a seperate issue, China last week denied a newspaper story about the World Bank report on the cost of pollution in that country. 另外,中国上周否认了一则关于世界银行对于其污染造成的损失的报告的报道。
On a server with two ethernet cards, sshd will by default listen on both ethernet interfaces, on port 22. This is usually what you want. [在一个服务器上使用两个以太网卡,安全壳守护进程将默认地在端口22监听每一块以太网卡。这通常是你所希望的。
On a shared host it is common that each web site have their own domain name. 在分享虚拟主机下,每个网站都有自己的域名是很平常的事。
On a short view, the special physiognomy such as mass spreading meteorite craters in Shenzhen and other place is like a grand geological museum bestowed by God. 从现在来看,深圳等地大规模的分布陨石坑等特殊的地质地貌构造宛如上天送给了我们一个宏大的地质博物馆。
On a showery day, the sun beamed down. 下午雨后天晴,云开日出。
On a snowy day in 1626, he tested his theory that flesh could be preserved by freezing it. 1626年的一个雪天,他验证了自己的理论,那就是肉可以通过冷冻被保存起来。
On a southbound train, she 8 8 sit next to a soldier in uniform. 在南下的火车上,她碰巧坐在一位穿著制服的军人旁边。

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