Sa: Yeah, she wants to meet me at the top of the Empire State Building.
山:当然,她说要我去帝国大厦楼顶会面。 |
Saab Automobile AB, which is owned by General Motors Corp., denied a newspaper report Thursday that said the carmaker was looking to sell the Saab brand.
通用汽车公司下属的瑞典绅宝汽车公司日前否认其品牌被出售的传言。 |
Saab and the Government of Pakistan continue as planned with the delivery of the system.
按照计划,萨博继续和巴基斯坦进行该系统的转接。 |
Saab has been awarded two new contracts, valued at approximately 300 million SEK, for carrying out new missile tests with the Meteor Beyond Visual Range (BVR) missile.
萨伯公司赢得了两项总价值约3亿瑞典克朗的“流星”超视距空空导弹的发射试验合同。 |
Saab has operations and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers' changing needs.
萨博在全球各大洲都有业务和雇员,持续不断发展、采用和提高新技术,以满足顾客不断改变的需求。 |
Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security.
萨博以其世界一流的产品、服务、解决方案服务全球市场,范围从军事防卫到民事安全。 |
Saab therefore plays a key and prominent role within the Meteor programme.
萨伯公司从此在流星导弹项目中开始扮演关键的领导角色。 |
Saba Douglas Hamilton joins arctic expert Jason Roberts in the remote Svalbard Archipelago to find out.
北极居民之一的北极熊的身体构造有赖严寒天气才能正常地生活,温室效应对牠们造成什麽影响? |
Sabin believed that live vaccines, which can replicate somewhat but are too weak to trigger disease, best mimic the protection acquired through natural infection.
沙宾认为,活性不足以致病、但仍可复制的活病毒疫苗,最能够模拟因自然感染所产生的保护作用。 |
Sabine, an adolescent girl with a gift for mathematics becomes involved with Jiri, a 40-something man-of-the-theatre from Prague.
讲的是一个花季少女同一个盛年男人的故事,说明他们并不是两个没有交集的集合,肯定这两个地球高级生物邂逅相遇而堕入情网的概率不为零。 |
Sabotage of property, thefts, and dirtying of premises are common.
破坏财产,偷盗和下流的行为是很普遍的。 |