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Caption:: The profile of the atmosphere and the setting sun is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 13 crewmember on the International Space Station.

Caption:: Some stars in the night sky are compacted into a region, called the Milky Way, this milky patch of the sky span across the sky, brightly shine under the dark night. 天上的繁星聚集于一个密集的地方,称为银河,这条奶白色的星带横夸整个天空,夏天的银河较为光亮,只要在黑暗的夜空下非常光亮。
Caption:: Star trails record the motions of the stars in the night sky through long exposure. 星流迹是固定摄影中的一种,透过长时间的曝光,把天空上的凡星所走的轨迹也拍下来。
Caption:: String theory has already been used in cosmology, according to string theory, prospecting untold numbers of separate universes with different physical laws, and some theorists believe, string theory is the most promising candidate ultimate theor 弦理论的发展已引进宇宙学的理论中,弦学者对宇宙予以解释,宇宙可能存在著无限个,每个拥有著完全不同的物理定律,部份理论学家相信,弦论是一套可能可以解释世界万物的终极理论。
Caption:: Sunlight shine on Earth by the reflection of Moon is not little, moonshine can bring brightness in the dark, in the photo, the cloud is illumined by the moon. 月球所反射到地球上的太阳光绝对不能少看,月亮的光芒能为黑夜带来光明,照亮大地,图中是月夜下受月照下的云海。
Caption:: The dramatical phenomenon, is characterised by having a dashing luminance in the upper layer of the atmosphere, created by the collisions of energetic particles of solar wind with the atoms and molecules in the polar areas. 当太阳风被地球磁场引领至两极地区,与地球大气层的粒子发生碰撞时,便会形成极光,宛如一张色彩斑澜的轻妙扫过夜空,绚丽夺目。
Caption:: The profile of the atmosphere and the setting sun is featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 13 crewmember on the International Space Station. 国际太空站的太空人在太空中所见的日落,太阳在地球薄薄的大气中徐徐落下。
Caption:: The sky seen in the lower hemisphere has distinctive cosmic features, such as the Large and Small Magellanic Cloud and the Keyhole Eta Carina Nebula, which are not found in the sky of the upper hemisphere. 南半球的星空与我们的不大一样,南半球星空蕴藏很多独有的宝藏,如大小麦哲伦云和图中的船底座匙孔星云。
Caption:: The sprial galaxy NGC7331 located in the constellation Pegasus, one of the brightest galaxy, but it is not included in the Messier catalog, this galaxy is 4.6 million light years away from us. 位于飞马座的NGC7331,是一颗螺旋星系,虽然它不属于梅西尔星表,但它是一颗明亮的星系,这星系距离我们4600万光年。
Caption:: The two bright line in the image is the trails of Moon and Jupiter, with the backdrop of the sea, some clouds, the view is wonderful. 图中两条光带是月球和木星的星迹,在海面的映照下,再加上稀少的薄云,景色特别怡人。
Caption:: The young emperor penguins' feather is different from the adults, the young penguins' feather are grey in color. The feather will change color when they grow up. 年幼的皇帝企鹅的羽毛跟成年的皇帝企鹅不同,年幼的企鹅羽毛是灰色的,到牠们长大后,羽毛便会变色了。
Caption:: This is the view of Earth rising over Moon's horizon taken from Apollo 11 spacecraft. This is a classic photo, which let us feel the beauty of our home planet. 昨天看过了刚在大气层上升起来的月球,今天则倒过来看在月球上升起来的地球。这是一张经典的照片,由阿波罗11号太空船拍到地球在月面上升起的情形,由月球望回地球,原来我们居住的星球是多麽美丽。

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