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The research on bioconversion of cellulosic materials to produce fuel alcohol around the world mainly focused on the pretreatment of raw materials, the approaches to reduce cellulase cost, the optimization of fermentation course, appropriate use and trans

The research of the modem influence on the classical canon in its inheritance and glorification as well as its rejection ought to be one of the central topics in the study of history of ideas in modern China. 考察近代思潮对元典精神的承袭发扬和扬弃创新,是中国近代思想史研究的题中应有之义。
The research of these theories can be approximately divided into four phases, namely, phases of classical theory, empirical research, theoretical transformation and theoretical resurgence. 其理论研究大致分为四个时期,即经典理论时期、实证研究时期、理论转向时期和理论中兴时期。
The research on CEN Yu-ying is one of important topics the personage study of late Qing Dynasty. 摘要岑毓英研究是晚清人物研究的重要选题之一。
The research on Han Yu's poetry in the 20th century continued classic research, esp. the research in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but the visual field was widened and the ways was more affluent. 摘要20世纪的韩诗研究仍然是对传统的国学研究尤其是明清诗学的延伸和扩展,但研究视野更开阔,研究方法更丰富。
The research on attenuation features of intensity in the Yunnan region by using intensity isoseismals of 127 earthquakes, and the following three conclusions have been put forward: (1) Average ratio values of long-axis to short-axis of innermost isoseisma 摘要本文利用127次地震等震线资料,对云南地区地震烈度衰减特徵进行了研究,其结果表明:(1)云南地区地震烈度极震区等震线的长轴、短轴之比的均值,高于我国东部地区而略低于西部地区的平均值,烈度衰减方向性强。
The research on bioconversion of cellulosic materials to produce fuel alcohol around the world mainly focused on the pretreatment of raw materials, the approaches to reduce cellulase cost, the optimization of fermentation course, appropriate use and trans 各国对纤维质原料生产燃料酒精的研究主要集中在原材料的预处理、如何降低纤维素酶的成本、发酵过程的优化、菌种的合理运用和改造、酒精废糟的综合利用等方面。
The research on black hole has just begun, various assumptions will spring up. 对黑洞的研究刚刚开始,各种各样的假说会层出不穷。
The research on design and kinematics simulation method is carried out, resulting in greatly shortened product development cycle, improved design quality and reduced design cost. 该方法大大缩短了产品开发周期,提高了产品设计质量,降低了设计费用。
The research on drainage technique is instructive for quay stability analysis and geologic calamity prevention and control. 排水技术的研究对港口码头的稳定分析以及地质灾害的防治具有指导性意义。
The research on effect of sildenafil on human physiological functions at high altitude and its use in prevention and treatment of high altitude pulmonary hypertension,high altitude pulmonary edema and high altitude hypoxemia,and improving motor ability ar 本文综述了西地那非对高原人体生理的作用及其用于防治高原肺动脉高压、高原肺水肿、高原低氧血症,提高运动能力方面的研究进展。
The research on epiglottic laryngoplasty after hemilaryn gectomy awarded the first prize for Guangxi scientific and technological progressResearchers Discussing a Research Plan. 声门癌的半喉切除术与会厌喉成形术的研究获广西科技进步一等奖。图为讨论研究方案。

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