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Now that anonymity is no longer possible, there has been a huge decline in the number willing to donate.

Now that Iraq has a Constitution and an independent Assembly and Government, would it not be more beneficial to bring the US officers and soldiers home, and to spend the astronomical US military expenditures in Iraq for the welfare and prosperity of the A 我主荐一种尊重的风范,为了美国人民和整个人类,巴勒斯坦居住在自己家园的权利应得到承认,这样数以万计的巴勒斯坦难民可以返回他们的家乡,整个巴勒斯坦的未来和政府形式都由公民投票决定。
Now that Mahayana Buddhism has disappeared from India, Newar Buddhism found in Kathmandu valley represents one of the few tradition in the world which has retained features inherited directly from India. 而今大乘佛教已经在印度消失,但在加德满都的村落里面,尼瓦佛教被发现在这世上少数能够直接承自印度佛教的特色,并能维持到现在。
Now that Ned can read he finds his early picture books too babyish. 由於内德已经识字,他觉得他以前的那些画册都太浅了。
Now that a powerful, bipartisan committee has dangled the possibility of doing just that within little over a year, it would take extraordinary stubbornness—or courage—from Mr Bush to ignore it. 现在一个强有力的,跨党派的委员会已经开始追求在一年内解决问题的可能性,他将从布什忽视的地方采取非凡的毅力或勇气。
Now that a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the Pass is less dangerous, but each year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveller is in difficulty. 因为穿越山区的隧道已经建成,关隘变得不再危险,但每年,每当有旅行者身处困境时,犬类仍然要进入雪地。
Now that anonymity is no longer possible, there has been a huge decline in the number willing to donate. 现在匿名捐献已经不可能了,自愿捐献的人数少了很多。
Now that average gas prices are flirting with $3 a gallon, consumers are rushing to them again. 现在石油均价飙升至每加仑3美元,消费者再次涌向亚洲汽车。
Now that desire was being fulfilled. 如今我的愿望终于将要实现了。
Now that even the principal has agreed to give us his support, we have got the all-clear on our plan. 既然连校长都同意支持我们,我们的计划执行起来便不会有问题了。
Now that father's lost his job, we're in serious straits . 因为父亲失业,我们现在处境十分困难。
Now that father's lost his job, we're in serious straits. 因为父亲失业,我们现在处境十分困难。

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