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T: Oh, sorry. I didn't see it.

T: OK, now class. Let's begin to listen to the tape of 1a, read after it and mark the intonation. (布置听力任务,学生在跟读的同时用铅笔标出语调,然后擦去,再跟读。)
T: OK, now we learn something about sports. Let's play a game. A student come here and act, the other students guess “What is he/she doing? 学生抢着做动作,又抢着要猜测。从新单词的学习到这时的小游戏,学生的状态都处于兴奋之中,所学的几个运动项目类单词就在这小小的动作和游戏中得以理解和巩固。
T: OK. We'll make enquiries. I'll ring you again soon. 好的,我们去找一下,再联系。
T: Of course, it was imported from Japan. (当然了,是从日本进口的。)
T: Oh, how wonderful. I'm dreaming for it all the time! (啊,太好了。我做梦都想去呢!)
T: Oh, sorry. I didn't see it. 哦,抱歉,我没看到。
T: Ok, this time, take out your exercise book and turn to Page30. Please listen to the story again and try to finish Exercise One and Exercise Two. 课件出示练习题,学生做完后,进行集体核对,一目了然。通过完成此练习,学生对本课的整体印象会更加深刻。
T: Pair work. Form the capital letters with your bodies and read it aloud. (两人一组用身体表现大写字母,并大声说出该字母。)
T: Pay attention to the writing, especially the capital letters and punctuation mark. (读练习3,注意句子的长短及标点符号,并讲其规则。)
T: Pay attention to the written form, we should line up the equal marks. 师:请注意书写格式,每算一步等号都要对齐。
T: Please go to the teacher's desk. Open the bag on the desk, please. Touch it and guess. What's that? 教师引导,呈现新课。教师课前将一个轮船的模型或图片放在包内,让学生触摸,并猜一猜。

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