The external temperature was 74 degress F.
外面的温度是华氏74度。 |
The external wall thermal insulation series dispersion products prepared by BASF Functional Polymers division involve latest developed dispersion of base coat and bonding mortar specific for the exterior insulation finishing system, and the dispersion for
巴斯夫功能性聚合物部推出的外墙外保温系列乳液产品,不仅包括最新开发的专用于外墙外保温体系的抹面胶浆和粘结砂浆的聚合物乳液,还包括用于外墙饰面体系的聚合物乳液,如专用于基面处理腻子、底漆和涂料饰面的外墙涂料,以及专用于瓷砖饰面的瓷砖胶粘剂。 |
The external walls of this subway stop were featured by photo ceramic tiles, which were based on the real old photos of the former gate tower of Chongwenmen and the former railway station of Beijing.
该站地上建筑外立面瓷砖根据老崇文门城楼和老火车站实景照片烧制,既展现出老北京风情,又使人们回忆起历史变迁。 |
The exterritorial service is made according to the Act on Service and the Hague Convention on Service.
域外送达依1970年的《送达法》和《海牙送达公约》进行。 |
The extinct Nevado de Toluca volcano, for example, dominates the scene to the left.
举例来说,托路卡死火山就占满了左边整片景色。 |
The extinct exotic bird's feather contains zinc.
那种已绝迹的珍奇的鸟的羽毛中含锌. |
The extinction of Neanderthal man has been attributed variously to his having lower intelligence than modern humans, to worse language skills, to cruder tools, or even to the lack of a propensity for long-distance trade.
结果众说纷纭:有人认为他们不如现代人聪明,也有人认为他们的语言技能不如现代人完善[译注1]或是工具不如现代人先进,甚至有人认为是因为他们不会跨地区贸易[译注2]。 |
The extinction of large prehistoric animals is noted to suggest that.
文中提到大型史前动物的灭绝是为了说明。 |
The extra bits are calculated with an algebraic expression utilizing the bits in the original message block as inputs.
额外的位元是以原始讯息区块当成输入,经由代数运算之后得到的。 |
The extra coordinate is precisely the coordinate needed to describe motion within the four-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime!
这额外的坐标正好符合需求,它能描述物体在四维反德西特时空中的运动! |
The extra energy required would reduce a state-of-the-art supercritical plant's overall efficiency by about 10%, according to the IEA.
根据IEA的数据,该法所需的额外能源将会使处于超临界态高温的电站效率下降10%左右。 |