Indeed, some of the elder daughters secretly despise their mother for her wanton behavior, and desire very much to claim her position as mistress of the clan.
事实上,一些年长的女儿因为她们母亲轻浮放荡的行为而背地里轻视她,并且非常渴望能爬上她的位置,成为家族的主母。 |
Indeed, some property developers say they added museums to their projects in order to help them obtain speedy official approval, particularly since Beijing has in the past two years instituted a raft of regulations to slow down rampant property developmen
的确,部分房地产开发商称,他们在项目中增加博物馆是为了尽快获得政府批准,特别是中国政府在过去两年中出台了一系列规定,抑制过度投资,给房地产开发热降温。 |
Indeed, that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debated, as fiercely fought, with their own challenges to the popular will.
的确,历史上有多次大选也因为其结果与多数民意相左,而引起同样的激烈争辩和抗争。 |
Indeed, that is the joy of his way; And others spring forth out of the dust.
19看哪,这就是他道路中的喜乐;以后必另有人从尘土中发生。 |
Indeed, that sense of authorship contributes to the density of the sense of objective presence—which means finite presence.
正是这个主体感,相对地促成了客体的实质感,一种有限的存在体。 |
Indeed, the CIA station in Islamabad is among the world's largest.
中情局设在伊斯兰堡的工作站,是它遍布全世界特工部门中最大的一个。 |
Indeed, the Chinese Government's 10th Five-Year Plan for Energy Conservation 2004 calls for improved efficiency of electric motor systems by 10-12%.
事实上2004年中国政府在第十个五年计划里,已经规划要改善10%到12%的马达系统的效率。 |
Indeed, the Chinese go out of their way to ingratiate themselves with dictators such as Mugabe, donating the blue tiles that adorn his new £7m palace in Harare.
确实,中国人有意的迎合像穆加贝这样的独裁者,捐献蓝色瓷砖给他在首都哈拉雷新建的700万英镑宫殿。 |
Indeed, the IMF may be ready to give the countries that are still in its long-term care a bit more latitude.
当然,国际货币基金组织可能会给那些长期忧虑的国家一些自由度。 |
Indeed, the SWOT analysis bring out the strength and weakness of the IS training program.
这表示产学界对资讯技能的重要性认知仍旧存在歧异。 |
Indeed, the Sony Corporation released a digital photo frame seven years ago, but it induced barely a ripple in the market.
其实,早在7年前,日本新力公司就推出过数位相框,但却没有在市场上激起太大涟漪。 |