They are useful only as a means of restraint.
它们仅在作为控制对手的方法时才是有效的。 |
They are using adult stem cells extracted from patients' bone marrow to generate new tissue in damaged areas.
他们使用抽取自病人骨髓的成体干细胞,使其在受损区域产生新组织。 |
They are using e-mail, text messaging and social networking sites in new forms of victimization.
他们利用电子邮件,短信,和网站寻找新的欺负他人的方法。 |
They are usually arteriosclerotic in origin, and may be congenital or secondary to injury, dissection, infection, inflammation, or Kawasaki disease (KD).
这里,我们报告一位25岁的年轻男性因急性心肌梗塞而住院。 |
They are usually below the department store.
它们通常在百货公司的底层。 |
They are usually called Conquering Prepositions or Conquering Phrases and the like.
那些书通常是战胜介系词或战胜片语之类的书名。 |
They are usually found in schools of management, engineering, and political science.
提供是项课程的学院包括商学院,工程学院和政治及社会科学院。 |
They are usually invisible on the rendered image.
在渲染的图像中通常也是看不见的。 |
They are usually located in the neck (75%) or axillary region (20%), with only 1% localized in the mediastinum.
其发生部位,在颈部占75%,腋窝部占20%,而纵膈腔祗有1%。 |
They are usually not very useful in obtaining definitive answers and instead tend to generate more questions.
他们一般不是非常有用,对于定义问题和得到答案。 |
They are usually presented in boxes of four which indicate the four phases of the moon.
月饼通常是每盒里装四块,代表月亮的四个变化阶段。 |