EATING OUT When the bill arrives, Mark, Chris, Eric and Tom will each throw in a $20, even though it's only for $32.50. |
中文意思: 在外面吃饭:埋单的时候,阿麦,阿克、阿力和阿汤每人都甩出20块钱,虽然其实一共只吃了32块5。 |
EARS: Shape: large, well-tufted, wide at base, tapering to appear pointed. Set: approximately one ear\'s width apart at the base; not flared.
耳朵:形状——大,耳尖头长毛,很宽的基部,到耳尖慢慢变尖。位置——基部大约分开一个耳朵的宽度。 |
EARS: The membranes covering the inner ear should be either flat or slightly concave; ear abscesses are very common and can have fatal consequences if treatment is not obtained.
耳鼓:内耳孔上覆盖的耳鼓膜往往是平的或者微微凹陷;耳鼓鼓胀很常见,同时如果不经过及时治疗往往也很致命。 |
EASE is a leading international integrated marketing solution provider and executer.Our services encompass over twenty years of experience, quality and value: working with business, for business.
市场,我们具有超过二十年的提供高品质服务的经验:我们与企业用户并肩合作,共同创造商业利润。我们帮助企业与用户建立有效联系,实现商业价值。 |
EASY SOUP THICKENER: To thicken clam, corn, or any kind of chowder I use instant garlic mashed potatoes. Great taste and less calories.
怎样让汤变浓:要想使蛤蜊、玉米或其它海鲜杂烩汤更加浓郁,加些蒜味土豆泥进去,这样不但味道鲜美还可以降低热量。 |
放松自己,让我们一起在这银海中沉醉! |
EATING OUT When the bill arrives, Mark, Chris, Eric and Tom will each throw in a $20, even though it's only for $32.50.
在外面吃饭:埋单的时候,阿麦,阿克、阿力和阿汤每人都甩出20块钱,虽然其实一共只吃了32块5。 |
EB: (to the spectator) All my friends, don't forget, only on your own can you save your own life!
海尔哥哥:小朋友,克服困难要靠自己的努力,记住了吗? |
EB: And what about you?
海尔哥哥:那你呢? |
EB: Come on, brother, dive under with me!
海尔哥哥:弟弟,咱们快下海! |
EB: Good! Can you push it?
海尔哥哥:哼!你能推动它吗? |
EB: Hold the board tight and the tide will send you ashore.
海尔哥哥:抱住冲浪板,海潮会带你上岸的。 |