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As such, the major determinant of overall survival after witnessed out of hospital cardiac arrests due to ventricular fibrillation include whether a bystander initiates CPR, and how quickly defibrillation is accomplished.

As such, one may work one's way off the wheel of death, rebirth and reincarnation. 当一个人融合入这个创造者的音调时,他便开始进入基于统一的领导阶层。
As such, the common assumption that Chinese goods are competitive because the countrys wage levels are low holds true only for labor-intensive products, and does not necessarily apply to industry as a whole. 通常认为中国的产品是非常具有竞争力的,这是因为这个国家的工资水平很低,只能进行劳动密集型产品的生产,整体没必要、也不适用于(尖端)工业生产。
As such, the components of most concern are the external components that, as will be shown, are costly to calibrate. 这样,对元件公差关心的更多的是外部元件,我们将会看到,消除它的影响是代价不菲的。
As such, the grape has more aroma and flavor but lower natural acidity than its cousin, Pinot Blanc. 这种葡萄的口味更香,但是酸度比白皮诺低。
As such, the major determinant of oerall surial after witnessed out of hospital cardiac arrests due to entricular fibrillation include whether a bystander initiates CPR, and how quickly defibrillation is accomplished. 同样,发生于医院之外的由于室颤导致的心跳停止的总的生存率的重要影响因素包括是否有目击者发现并开始CPR,以及心脏除颤多久完成。
As such, the major determinant of overall survival after witnessed out of hospital cardiac arrests due to ventricular fibrillation include whether a bystander initiates CPR, and how quickly defibrillation is accomplished. 同样,发生于医院之外的由于室颤导致的心跳停止的总的生存率的重要影响因素包括是否有目击者发现并开始CPR,以及心脏除颤多久完成。
As such, the representation of the deep overlapping of the wavepackets of valence electrons as well as of other nuclear events is beyond any credible hope of quantitative treatment via quantum mechanics or chemistry on conceptual, mathematical and physica 这样,对原子价电子深深重叠的波包,以及其它核事件的描述,在概念、数学和物理基础上均超越了通过量子力学或化学进行量子处理的任何可靠的希望。
As such, their berth will be awarded to the winner of Thursday's tie. 同样地,他们的这个资格会奖励给星期四比赛的胜利一方。
As such, they fell into a state where less than wholeness was experienced along with much depression. 这样,他们陷入一个经历更少整体性并伴随大量沮丧的状态。
As such, this was a process of technical diffusion. 由此,技术扩散的过程得以进展。
As such, those in human form or of other species that are too discordant may die upon impact. 这样,人类或其它物种形态中那些实在无法共振的成员将因冲击而死亡。

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