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Would I simply grow old gracefully or would feel that ridiculous?

Would I deliberately have put our own relationship in jeopardy? 我是否本该故意破坏我们的关系呢?
Would I eat only rice and noodles or would the variety of foods be endless? 我只能吃米饭和面条,还是有各种各样的食品?
Would I find life as a retiree boring? 我会厌烦退休人员的生活吗?
Would I have to work overtime very often? 是否要经常加班?
Would I let an innocent possum share quarters with me, just for the sake of having a bunk mate? 我会让一只可爱的袋貂跟我同眠,以便多个同伴吗?
Would I simply grow old gracefully or would feel that ridiculous? 我是这样悠闲地衰老下去呢,还是会觉得那样很可笑?
Would I still be at home if I had been housebroken? 如果我没有在家里大小便,你会不会让我留下来?
Would I talk to you in private? 我可以私下跟你谈谈吗?
Would I, in the interests of my book, have been able to discount or excuse the pain to her of probing these wounds? 是否,为了写这本书,我本应故意淡化或者忽视探究那些伤口给她带来的痛苦呢?
Would You Like A Shave or A Haircut? 你能想出来吗?
Would You Work For This Company? 你愿意为这个公司工作吗?

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