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Oh, incidentally, what time will the movie begin?

Oh, how nice! 哦,太好了!
Oh, how nice. Sorry, I've got to go now. 那真好。对不起,我必须得走了。
Oh, hullo, Peter. What do you want?' said Mary. “你好,彼得,什么事?”玛丽说。
Oh, if Christians but knew what it is to yield themselves wholly and absolutely to Jesus Christ and His service, how their eyes would be opened to see that intense and unceasing prayerfulness is the essential mark of the healthy spiritual life; and that t 阿,基督徒若能知道,我们若将自己全然绝对地交给耶稣基督并服事他,我们的眼睛将会被开启而看见,迫切不止的祷告乃是我们健全属灵生活最重要的标记;且大有功效的代祷力量成了那些只住在主里且为主而活之人生活的一部份。
Oh, if Tony were going, I wanna go to camp, too! 哦!假使Tony要去训练营的话,我也要去。
Oh, incidentally, what time will the movie begin? 噢,顺便问一下,电影什么时候开演?
Oh, is that so? Listen up, boys - we've got ourselves a wise-guy here. 哦,是这样吗?听好了,小伙子们——这里来了一个精明的学者。
Oh, is there any activity going on? 哎,是不是有什么活动啊?
Oh, isn't this a needle and thread? 大牛:哎,这不是针线吗?
Oh, it a new Air Purifier. 哦,这是个新的空气净化器。
Oh, it already started on channel 5. 喔,球赛在第五频道已经开始了。

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