Abstract: This paper analyzes casualty relation between residence products' price systems based on the time series data, calculates residence market products structure's diverse influence strength to housing price through building multi-linear regression
本文通过时间序列数据分析住宅产品价格体系之间的因果关系,利用截面数据建立多元计量模型量化住宅市场产品结构对房价的影响力度。 |
Abstract: This paper explores the 100-year-long controversies between the Labour-value Theory and the Effectiveness-value Theory about the whole person in the process of production, human awareness, the process of production, and the essence of such facto
:本文论述了劳动价值论与效用价值论百年论战中,双方对生产劳动过程中的“人”、人的意识、生产过程、劳动的实质、价值的实质、货币的实质、剩余价值的实质等产生的误区。 |
Abstract: This paper has mainly introduced the UCC3975s application in 3/4 cell lithium-ion batteries in charging and its protection. Also has introduced the lithium-ion cells charge property.
简介:本文主要介绍了采用UCC3975的3/4节锂离子电池充电电路和有关保护电路的工作原理和锂离子电池充电的主要特性。 |
Abstract: This thesis discussed the relations between the interest rate going down and the trending of stock market going up through observing the data change from the stock market to interest rate adjusted down 7 times during 1996-1999.
摘要:本文通过观察自1996-1999年连续七次利率下调伴随的中国股市指数变化情况讨论了利率下调与中国股市长期向上趋势的关系。 |
Abstract: Urban transportation is very important for economy developing of the city, the form of the city affects city road network system.
摘要:城市交通是城市经济发展的重要支撑,城市道路系统与城市形态密切相关。 |
Abstract:1-wire bus instruct card with USB port may be as a general instrument of standard interface , It is used to deal with 1-wire bus with interrelated technician.
摘要:USB口的一线总线指令卡可以作为一个标准接口通用设备,可用于处理与一线总线相关的技术问题。 |
Abstract:Although a millennium ago the Middle East was not an economic laggard, by the 18th century it exhibited clear signs of economic backwardness.
虽然一千年以前中东地区经济发展并不落后,但到了十八世纪,其经济发展滞后的特征已很明显。 |
Abstract:At present in our country, the peasants and peasant workers, as a class, have been treated differently from urban residents in a lot of fields of politics, economy and culture.
内容摘要:我国当前,农民和民工作为一个阶层,相对于城市居民而言,在政治、经济和文化的许多领域受到了差别对待。 |
Abstract:Based on present plant gene engineering techniques, some strategies to develop transgenic crops expressing multiple genes by constructing a multigenes expression vector or a number of expression vectors and then making one or more transformations
摘要本文探讨了在利用植物基因工程技术的基础上,通过构建多基因或者多个表达载体,进行一次、多次基因转化或共转化方法获得转多价基因作物的一些策略,并进行了展望。 |
Abstract:Based on the data collected from our surveys of the social networks of Beijing residents in 2000, we try to find out how class status decides one's role in a social network.
本文运用2000年北京城市居民社会网络调查的资料,从理性选择的视角探讨了城市居民的阶层地位对社会网络的角色关系构成的影响。 |
Abstract:By tracking the recent discussions in the field of sociology over the state of personal identity, this paper tries to show how the ever-changing and ever-enlarging environment poses an increasingly serious challenge on the self-identity of a mode
本文通过对近年来社会学关于个人同一性状况讨论的跟踪,展示了现代人在面对外部环境不断扩大的灵活性要求时遇到的自我定义困境。 |