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Knowledge on timing of stillbirth specific risk factors may help clinicians in decreasing antepartum and intrapartum stillbirth risks through monitoring and timely interention.

Knowledge of twin screw extruder operation, screw configuration, and how to optimize dispersion of pigments in masterbatch. 懂得如何操作双螺杆挤出机,熟悉螺杆结构,增强色母中的色粉分散性。
Knowledge of usage of advanced instrument to diagnose equipment failure, be able to analysis data and resolve mechanical equipment failure problems. 掌握先进仪器进行设备故障诊断技术的使用,能够分析数据,解决机械设备故障问题。
Knowledge of various measurement methods, and inspection equipment and tools typically utilized in a manufacturing environment such as Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), micrometer, calipers, etc. 具有多种测量和检验设备及工具的知识,最好能操作CMM,千分尺及测径器等仪器。
Knowledge of web, infrastructures, typical environments, and change migration paths. 了解网络、构造、特定的环境和使巧的方法。
Knowledge on interior design or construction service is required. 1.具室内设计或装修等相关领域之客户服务经验.
Knowledge on timing of stillbirth specific risk factors may help clinicians in decreasing antepartum and intrapartum stillbirth risks through monitoring and timely interention. 掌握死产特异的危险因素发生的时机有助于临床医生通过监测及适时介入,减少分娩前及分娩时死胎发生的危险.
Knowledge or awareness; cognizance. 知道了解或察觉;承认
Knowledge outside the day's work is regarded by most men as a gewgaw. 大部分人把日常工作以外的一切知识统统当作花哨无用的玩意儿。
Knowledge requires repeated explorations, and farmland needs intensive cultivation. 知识需要反复探索,土地需要辛勤耕耘.
Knowledge should be learned actively, independently and purposefully. 学习应该主动地、独立地、有目的地。
Knowledge still didnot know which regarding oneself, if specialized knowledge, then mustboldly seek the article to read, and should better in use Chinese toabsorb in front of these knowledge first to use English to absorb(Don't worry English to be able to 对于自己尚不知道的知识,如专业知识,则要大胆地寻找文章来读,并且最好在用汉语吸取这些知识前先用英语来吸取(不用担心英语会抢了汉语的活,汉语找回来的机会多着呢,而用英语的机会太少,因此在学习中要先给英语让出使用的机会)。

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