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In clinic, the autograft bone-patellar tendon-bone is little used because of the donor-site complications, but the other two grafts are used more as they have less trauma and enough knee stability without donor-site complication.

In classical physics, angular momentum is a property of an object that rotates with respect to an axis. 在古典物理中,角动量是物体以某个轴旋转所具有的性质。
In clear weather we can see the island from here. 天气晴朗的时候我们能从这里看到那个岛.
In clearing off the demarcation between different types of work resulting from existence of various technical professions efforts have to be made to set up certain new types of composite technical professions so as to break down the traditional pattern of 在消除多专业技术的存在带来的工种界线时,应该努力培养造就一批新型的一专多能的综合技术素质的维护和管理人员,从而打破传统的专业分工管理模式,建立冷轧生产中设备与人的新型关系,拓展设备技术管理在未来世纪发展中的新思路。
In clearing the karma, the world mirror can change as there will not be the past calling to be reenacted in present time. 在业力清除中,世界之镜就可以改变,因为不再有过去的召唤让你重新再来一遍。
In clinic, it can not only help to divert the outer wind, clear head and eyes, but also can nourish the Sui-haiand release the Shaoyang Meridian. 风池穴为足少阳胆经穴,位于头部髓海之下,与阳维脉相连,既可以疏风解表,清头明目,又可充溢髓海,和解少阳。
In clinic, the autograft bone-patellar tendon-bone is little used because of the donor-site complications, but the other two grafts are used more as they have less trauma and enough knee stability without donor-site complication. 因受供端并发症的影响,自体骨-髌腱-骨的应用已呈减少趋势,而后两者因不存在供端并发症,创伤更小,也足以恢复膝关节的稳定性,应用呈增多趋势。
In clinic, we often can find out many patients who have teeth irregularly and malocclusion caused by intermaxillary tooth size discrepancy. 在临床上,我们常常可以见到因为颚间牙齿大小的差异,导致牙齿排列不整齐的病人和异常的咬合。
In clinical practice, the minimal diagnostic criteria should be: (1) hyperirritable tender spot, (2) pain recognition on this spot, (3) taut band containing this spot. 在临床实务方面,最起码的诊断标准应该是:(1)过度激活的压痛点,(2)在压痛点上认定的疼痛,(3)含有此痛点的紧绷肌带。
In close collaboration with Shanghai Mingzhou Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., the company has made remarkableachievements in respects of technical quality, production management and after-sales services. 在与上海明州电器有限公司的紧密合作下,无论在技术质量、生产经营及售后服务,都取得了显著的业绩。
In close collaboration with other team members, you will be a key contributor throughout the entire system delivery process to ensure that key milestones are met. 与同事紧密配合,确保系统实施应用全过程的有关工作到位,所预期的各项预期指标均能按时完成。
In clusters, most of the “normal” matter—the atoms that make up the stars, the planets and any being living on them—is in the form of hot gas and stars. 星系团中的大部分“普通”物质–组成恒星、行星的原子以及居住在其上的生命–以热气和恒星的形式存在。

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