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A Bulgarian man smokes cigarette in a cafe in Sofia, January 24, 2005.

A British survey has revealed a nation of spies, rifling through their partners' text messages, tapping phone conversations, tailing loved ones with webcams and even satellite navigation systems, to check their significant others are faithful. 英国一项调查发现,英国出了一帮“侦察”伴侣是否忠诚的“侦探”,这帮“侦探”所采取的“侦察手段”包括检查对方的短信、偷听电话、用网眼跟踪、甚至用上了卫星定位系统。
A Briton who revived his son after he stopped breathing repaired the ambulance when it broke down taking him to hospital Monday. 一名英国人星期一将已经断气的儿子救醒,并在前往医院途中修复了抛锚的救护车。
A Browser Defaults, Favorites and ZoneMap Scanner, which determines if malware has altered your browser home page, favorites or has added any malicious sites to your Trusted Sites list. 浏览器默认设置、收藏夹和区段映射扫描器,用于辨别恶意软件是否更改了您浏览器的主页、收藏夹或者添加了任何的恶意站点到您可信任站点列表中。
A Buddhist monk of Tibet or Mongolia. 喇嘛中国西藏或蒙古的喇嘛教僧侣
A Buick is a car with dual exhaust pipes. 别克轿车是有 双排气管的汽车.
A Bulgarian man smokes cigarette in a cafe in Sofia, January 24, 2005. 1月24日,一名保加利亚男子在索菲亚的一家咖啡馆里吸烟。
A But aren't you from Shanghai? 但是你不是上海人吗?
A But our traffic is worse, surely. 但是我们的交通无疑更糟。
A But remember, there will be Olympic events all over the city. The football will be at the Worker's Stadium, for instance. 但是别忘了,北京各处都将举行奥运比赛。例如,足球赛将在工人体育场举行。
A But this is an American one. 但这是一个美国驾照。
A But you don't play any more? 但是你现在再也不弹了吗?

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