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Our latest model car can go further than any earlier model on the same quantity of petrol.

Our last attempt proved successful. 我们最后的尝试成功了。
Our last day of school is May 24, 2002 and I should know something then. 我们学期的最后一天是2002年5月24日,而我那时应该会知道一些事情了。
Our last step was to determine what had to be done to move these tasks further along. 我们最后一步就是去决定要去做什么,从而来。。。
Our last stop was under a cherry tree a short way from the house. 最后一次,我们停在离家很近的一棵樱桃树下休息。
Our latest catalogue will be sent on request. 最新目录册承索即寄。
Our latest model car can go further than any earlier model on the same quantity of petrol. 以同量的汽油,我们最新型的汽车比以往的任何型号都要跑得远。
Our latest survey shows that the popularity of FS Henry Tang has recovered in early September, after its big plunge between July and August due to the debate on GST (goods and services tax). 06财政司司长唐英年的民望在7至8月期间急剧滑落后已经回稳,在9月初略为回升,但仍然远远不及销售税争论前的水平。
Our lawyers will niggle over every little detail of the case. 我们的律师们会就这个案件的每一个细节进行辩论。
Our leader has a strong will. 我们的领袖有坚强的意志。
Our leaders have been much concerned about our bilateral relations. 领导人对两国关系非常关心.
Our leaders have taken interest in the development of bilateral relations. 领导人对两国关系非常关心.

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