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It seldom happens that any felicity comes so pure as not to be tempered and allayed by some mixture of sorrow.

It seems you can't flip through1 a magazine or turn on the TV without hearing someone crediting Pilates exercise with their sleek physique. 浏览杂志或打开电视,你好像很难不听到有人把他们优美的体形归功于普拉提训练。
It seems you put over salt in the dish. 你在这个菜里放的盐好像过多了。
It seems you still have a book overdue?. 看来你还有一本书过期了。
It sees the individual merely as a medical, chemical and mechanistic entity which has no comprehension of its real interests. 它视个人仅仅做为医学、化学及机械的实体,而没有理解其真正利害。
It seldom happens that any felicity comes pure as not to be tempered and allayed by some mixture of sorrow. 几乎没有任何一种幸福是纯粹的,总是多少掺杂着一些悲哀。
It seldom happens that any felicity comes so pure as not to be tempered and allayed by some mixture of sorrow. 几乎没有任何一种幸福是纯粹的,总是多少掺杂着一些悲哀。
It seldom snows in winter here. 这里的冬天很少下雪.
It sell for3 marks a kilo. 这卖3马克1公斤。
It sells at 2 yuan a bottle. 这个卖两元一瓶。
It sells books and things like that. 那儿卖书以及类似的东西。
It sensed a mineral called hematite that forms under wet conditions. 它也探测到了一种称作赤铁矿的,在潮湿环境中形成的矿藏。

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