Conventional hearing devices amplify everything—from conversations to background noise to the clock ticking.
一般的助听器会放大所有的声音—言语声、背景噪声和钟声等。 |
Conventional household products not found in the pet aisle or a pet supply store mask the odor to humans, but not puppies.
常用的家庭清洁剂不是为狗狗而准备,那些通常只能做到让人闻不到,而不是狗狗。 |
Conventional instruction neglects practice and overemphasizes text and memorization.
一般传统的教学模式疏于练习,却过分强调教科书及记忆背诵。 |
Conventional macroeconomics, the study of the economy as a whole, has no analogous “when to stop” rule.
传统的总体经济学则以整体经济为研究对象,并没有类似的「何时停止」规则。 |
Conventional methods try to fit you into a mold that is not natural and can hamper the instinctive, automatic, and spontaneous play that is the signature of a champion.
传统的方法试图让你遵循一种模式,这样做会显得不自然,并且会妨碍你本能,自主地击球,而这却正是一个冠军球手最重要的特点。 |
Conventional outward signs of grief for the dead, such as a black armband or black clothes.
戴孝为哀悼死者而采用的一种传统的标志,如戴在臂上的黑纱或黑衣服 |
Conventional packing chamber eliminates leakage problems associated with standard knife valves.
传统的填料腔消除与普通刀闸阀有关的泄漏问题。 |
Conventional physical laws (such as Pauli's exclusion principle, total conservation laws, etc.) hold everywhere including in the interior of the hadronic horizon.
传统的物理定律〔如泡利的排它定律、总体守恒定律等〕在所有的地方有效,包括在强子范围以内亦有效。 |
Conventional physics holds that nuclear fusion ignites at multimillion-degree temperatures.
传统物理学认为,要引发核融合反应,必须将温度提高到数百万度。 |
Conventional programs overemphasize text and memorization and neglect practice. This costs companies millions of dollars annually in perpetual language-training programs that are ineffective.
传统的培训计划过分强调课本以及记忆,而忽略了练习。这使众多公司每年浪费了大量的资金来进行无效的语言培训。 |
Conventional salvage chemotherapies have been used with limited efficacy and significant toxicity.
常规的化疗补救方案效率有限并且毒副作用大。 |