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Some political and others religious.

Some plumage dropped from the bird. 从鸟身上掉下来几根羽毛。
Some poems in The Book of Songs are suspected as disordered bamboo slips, because the content and the lyricism are not unified. 摘要在《诗经》中有部分诗歌常被疑为错简,原因是诗的内容或抒情语气前后不合。
Some poison has entered into his body. 一些毒素已侵入他的体内。
Some policemen connive at gambling. 一些警察纵容赌博。
Some policy suggestions are therefore offered including extending the application scope of exchange funds, changing FER monetary structure and perfecting open market operation. 提出了扩展外汇资金运用方式,调整外汇储备的币种结构,完善公开市场业务等应对策略。
Some political and others religious. 有些是政治领袖,有些是宗教领袖。
Some politicians still seem untouchable, as do some organised-crime groups. 一些政客、甚至是一些犯罪集团仍然让司法部门没有办法。
Some politicians tried to ingratiate rich or influential people so as to get more supporters. 一些政客努力迎合有钱或者有势力的人以便获得更多的支持者。
Some pomade will be helpful to your dry hair. 擦些润发脂对您干燥的头发有益。
Some popularly concerned hot Problems and fast developed techniques in present nondestructive testing field were introduced, such as on-line monitoring for pipe laying, gas Pipeline and embedding Pipes, inspection for the adhesive coating of composite mat 摘要介绍当前无损检测领域几项快速发展的并受人普遍关注的热点问题和技术,如输油、输气管道和地下管网的在线监测、复合材料粘接层的检测、成像技术以及信号处理。
Some porotest : “time is money ,and with money you can buy time .” Up to a limit, that's ture. 有人却反对:“时间就是金钱,,你可以用金钱买到时间。”在某个有限的范围内来说,的确是这样。

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