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Article 33 Budgetary circulating funds shall be established in government budgets at various levels as prescribed by the State Council.

Article 33 A lawyer shall keep confidential secrets of the State and commercial secrets of the parties concerned that he comes to know during his practice activities and shall not divulge the private affairs of the parties concerned. 第三十三条律师应当保守在执业活动中知悉的国家秘密和当事人的商业秘密,不得泄露当事人的隐私。
Article 33 A lawyer shall keep confidential secrets of the State and commercial secrets of the parties concerned that he comes to know during the practice activities and shall not divulge the private affairs of the parties concerned. 第三十三条律师应当保守在执业活动中知悉的国家秘密和当事人的商业秘密,不得泄露当事人的隐私。
Article 33 After the foreign investor's each instalment of investment contribution, the foreign-capital enterprise shall engage a Chinese registered accountant to carry out verification, and to prepare a report on the verification of capital, which shall 第三十三条外国投资者缴付每期出资后,外资企业应当聘请中国的注册会计师验证,并出具验资报告,报审批机关和工商行政管理机关备案。
Article 33 Audit institutions shall, in conducting audit, have the power to carry out investigations among units or individuals concerned of issues relating to audit matters and obtain relevant testimonial material. 第三十三条审计机关进行审计时,有权就审计事项的有关问题向有关单位和个人进行调查,并取得有关证明材料。
Article 33 Book publishers may modify or abridge works with the license of authors. 第三十三条图书出版者经作者许可,可以对作品修改、删节。
Article 33 Budgetary circulating funds shall be established in government budgets at various levels as prescribed by the State Council. 第三十三条各级政府预算应当按照国务院的规定设置预算周转金。
Article 33 Chinese crewengaged in international voyages must possess Seaman's Book and other relevant certificates issued by the harbour superintendency authorities of the People's Republic of China. 第三十三条从事国际航行的船舶的中国籍船员,必须持有中华人民共和国港务监督机构颁发的海员证和有关证书。
Article 33 Coal mines shall be closed or abandoned in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations as well as the rules of the department in charge of the coal industry under the State Council. 第三十三条关闭煤矿和报废矿井,应当依照有关法律、法规和国务院煤炭管理部门的规定办理。
Article 33 Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of choice of occupation. 第三十三条香港居民有选择职业的自由。
Article 33 If a citizen, in a city other than his place of residence, starts or organizes an assembly, a procession or a demonstration by local citizens, the public security organ shall have the authority to detain him or send him back by force to his pla 第三十三条(2)公民在本人居住地以外的城市发动、组织当地公民的集会、游行、示威的,公安机关有权予以拘留或者强行遣回原地。
Article 33 If a taxpayer posts its tax return, the tax payment funds shall be posted at the same time as the tax return is sent. 第三十三条纳税人邮寄申报纳税的,应当在邮寄纳税申报表的同时,汇寄应纳税款。

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