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Be intolerant of mediocrity and the status quo.

Be initiative, independent and have teamwork spirit. 工作积极主动,独立,有团队精神。
Be inquisitive about unfamiliar circumstances. 对不熟悉的情况保持疑问的好奇。
Be insatiable in learning and tireless in teaching. 学而不厌,诲人不倦。
Be installed in reflux pipe line, utilizing pressure difference to form the flowing loop; sampling connector be 1/2” pipe; vent pipe connector be 1/4” pipe; installed with support. 1安装在回流管路-利用压力差形成流动回路,采样连接接头为1/2″管,排气管道连接接头为1/4”管,支架安装。
Be interesting; be convincing; be personable; be effective; project your voice so that everyone in the audience can hear you without difficulty. 内容要有趣,语气要有说服力,仪态大方,给人印象深刻,声音要洪亮,让听众听得清楚。
Be intolerant of mediocrity and the status quo. 开拓创新,锐意进取。
Be intuitively aware of the importance of turf possession in every professional proceeding. 10在每个职业场合里,请直观地确立自己的位置.你必须认识到它的重要性.
Be involved in a good project as soon as possible: communication period. 好项目,时机介入要早:信息阶段。
Be involved in checking operation procedure (including pre-commissioning, commissioning and operation stages) of rotating equipment. 参加动设备的操作流程,包括预调试、调试和运营阶段。
Be involved in drafting and implementation of production plan. 参与起草并实施车间计划。
Be involved in local maintenance service contractor's qualification. 鉴定本地维修承包商的资格。

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