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To prove their point they scaled up a chicken to the size of T. rex and found the giant chicken probably would not have been able to stand.

To prove his theory, Roy-Henry wrote to France's Defense Ministry last month to request a DNA test on a strand of Napoleon's hair. 为证实自己的理论,七月份罗伊·亨利致信法国国防部,提出要对拿破仑的一缕头发进行DNA测试。
To prove my words, I presently took out a photo of the police chief and I. 为了证明自己所说的话,我随即从包里掏出自己和那位局长的合影。
To prove the point beyond doubt, Dr Connolly worked out how much of the overall pay differential was explained by differences such as seniority, experience and age, and how much was unexplained, and therefore suggestive of discrimination. 为了使结论确证无疑,康诺莉博士计算出全部薪水差异中有多少可归因于诸如资历、经验和年龄的不同,有多少则不可,这就暗示了歧视的存在。
To prove the principle, he chose cholera, but it should work with other vaccines as well. 为了证明这一原理可行,他选择霍乱疫苗进行试验,但这也应该同样适用于其他疫苗。
To prove the seriousness of his crossover bid, he brought several American stars on stage. 为了证明他的文化交流的严肃主题,他也邀请了几位美国明星.
To prove their point they scaled up a chicken to the size of T. rex and found the giant chicken probably would not have been able to stand. 为了证明他们的观点,他们按比例把一只鸡放大到像霸王龙一样大,结果发现这只巨鸡可能站都站不住。
To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world. 爲了证明此言属实,现将下列事实公诸于公正的世界。
To prove to everybody who i am? 去证明每个人到底是谁?
To prove your residency, provide a copy of a bank statement, utility bill or mortgage bill. 附上银行月结单,家用水电瓦斯帐单或贷款帐单影本作为永久居住地址证明。
To provide / offer a smokeless / smoke-free place to have a meal, many restaurants do not allow smoking inside / indoors. 为提供一个无烟的用餐环境,许多餐厅不允许室内抽烟。
To provide 2nd hand flute trade on base of fair, truth and reasonable principle for the flute friends with different economic situation, we open specially this space here. 为方便大家进行二手长笛交易,在公平、真实、合理的原则基础上互通有无,为更多不同经济条件的朋友提供购买长笛的机会,本站特地开通此栏目。

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