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Reports of missing Britons began to trickle in.

Reports in the Chinese news media say that some people out walking their dogs had the animals seized by gangs of vigilantes, who clubbed the dogs to death on the spot. 具中国的媒体描述:一些狗主人放开了自已的狗,被一伙打狗的人用棍子打死。
Reports in the Italian Press suggest that Juventus were only willing tooffer around half that sum and tried unsuccessfully to negotiate apart-exchange deal. 援引自意大利的报道称尤文的出价仅有这个价格的一半,而且在交换球员的条款上没有能达成协议。
Reports of atrocities—unconfirmed, fragmented but horrific—filtered out. 关于暴行(未经确认,支离破碎,但令人发指)的报道一律过滤干净。
Reports of diarrhea or vomiting suggest pain from a GI process, ranging from gastroenteritis to more serious conditions. 腹泻或呕吐反映提示胃肠道问题引起的疼痛,如胃肠炎甚至更严重的疾病。
Reports of fever or URI suggest possible otitis media. 发烧或上呼吸道感染反映提示中耳炎可能。
Reports of missing Britons began to trickle in. 有关失踪的英国人的报道也开始不断传来。
Reports of the result of the battle were so contradictory that we did not know which side had won. 战争结果的报导都很矛盾,我们不知道哪一边胜利了。
Reports of this comet were rumored as far back as 1985 from military sources, that it came close enough to be seen by amateurs in July may be a measure of a larger timing cycle. 来自军事来源的,对这颗慧星的报道的谣言远在1985年就有了,在7月变得足够近地被业余者观察到,可能是一个较大的调速周期尺寸。
Reports of widespread flooding and property damage are coming in from the southern United States as Hurricane Katrina pounds the region with high winds and torrential rain. 来自美国南部一些州的消息说,卡特里娜飓风带来的暴风雨在那里造成大面积水淹和财产破坏。
Reports on Chinese web sites suggested it could be something more serious, as Yao Ming got some injury history relating to ligament/meniscus tear on his right knee. 中国网站报道暗示:情况可能更严重,因为姚明以前的一些受伤都与他右膝韧带撕裂有关。
Reports on abnormal data such as repetitive pairs and missing pairs. 可处理重复刷卡,奇次刷卡等异常数据,并生成报告.

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