Close shot Another one exclaims.
(近景)另一个人也很激动在说话。 |
Close shot He points at General S' seat.
(近景)他指着S将军的位置。 |
Close shot One of them explains.
(近景)一个人很激动在说话。 |
Close shot The artist is talking to a rival critic.
(近景)艺术家正和外地评论家谈话。 |
Close shot The critic exclaims to the artist.
(近景)批评家指着艺术家大吼。 |
Close shot The critic slams the phone down.
(近景)批评家气愤地放下电话。 |
Close shut-off valves up and downstream of the valve.
关闭阀门上下游的关闭阀。 |
Close shutoff valves and open test cocks No. 2, 3 and 4 to relieve pressure from the body of the valve.
关闭关闭阀,并开启测试旋塞2号、3号和4号,释放阀体内压力。 |
Close test cocks and remove tester, return assembly to normal operating condition.
关闭测试旋塞,拆卸检测器,将总成恢复到正常的运行环境。 |
Close the Propertiesand Printerswindow.
关闭“属性”和“打印机”窗口. |
Close the Registry Editor and restart the system to ensure that the changes take effect.
关闭注册表编辑器,重新启动系统确保改变生效。 |