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Polyphasic evidence for the transfer of Promicromonospora yunnanensis to Cellulosimicrobium cellulans

Response Analysis of Plant Cell to External Compressive Force 植物细胞对外加压缩载荷的响应分析
Sporopollen research in the northern South China Sea of Core C4 and its paleoenvironment 南海北部C4站柱状沉积中的孢粉组合及其古环境意义
Habitat Structure of Black Crested Gibbons (Nomascus concolor) in Pinghe,Ailao Mountains,Yunnan 云南哀牢山平河黑长臂猿栖息地乔木结构分析
Cloning of GAPDH Gene of Pichia pastoris and Its Reliability as Internal Control GAPDH基因克隆及其作为毕赤酵母内标物的可靠性研究
Genetic Diversity Analysis of Pinus koraiensis in Liangshui National Nature Reserve between 1731 and 1900 by RAPD Markers 1731-1900年期间凉水国家自然保护区红松遗传多样性变化的RAPD分析
Polyphasic evidence for the transfer of Promicromonospora yunnanensis to Cellulosimicrobium cellulans 将云南原小单孢菌转入纤维化纤维菌的多相分类研究
Changes in histology and biomechanics after partial or total nucleotomy:a comparative study 髓核部分切除与全切除术后组织学与生物力学变化的比较研究
The Identification of Neurospora intermedia and its Potential for Bioconversion Cellulose to Ethanol 一株野生脉孢菌的鉴定及其纤维素乙醇发酵潜力研究
Method of extracting genome DNA from fresh rat bone 大鼠新鲜骨组织基因组DNA提取方法的建立
Selection of Sleeping Sites of Francois’s Langur in Mayanghe National Nature Reserve,Guizhou 贵州麻阳河国家级自然保护区黑叶猴夜宿地选择的研究
Establishment of Midbrain-Derived Neural Stem Cells Modified by BDNF and EGFP Gene BDNF、EGFP基因修饰大鼠胚胎腹侧中脑神经干细胞的建立

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