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The sentence contains impassioned rhetoric.

The sensor, use pressure chinaware plate, improve the sensitivity and durability. 传感器,采用压力陶瓷片材质,易敏性和耐用性大大提高。
The sensor-network macroscope in Sonoma is designed to relay its redwood measurements to a PDA-like cellular device on the ground and then through the Internet to a server in Berkeley, 70 kilometers away. 索诺马这个感测网络巨视镜,目的是把得自红杉的测量值,中继给地面上类似PDA的行动设备,然后透过网际网路,把资料送到70公里外位于柏克莱分校的伺服器。
The sensorless technique is one of development directions of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) variable-speed system. 摘要剖析了两种典型转速直接估算方法,提出了一种新型的适用于永磁同步电动机直接转矩控制的无位置传感器技术。
The sensors—along with infrared, high-speed, and high-definition motion-capture cameras—allowed scientists to measure and map the speed, force, range, and impact of the fighter's techniques. 这些传感器-通过一个红外的,高速的,高分辨度的录像机-将使科学家们可以测量并描绘出格斗者技术的速度,打击力,冲击力。
The sensory quality of mung bean cakes is evaluated synthetically with fuzzy mathematics. The major factors are analyzed with regression analysis to control the quality of the product. 摘要应用模糊数学方法综合评判绿豆糕产品的感官质量,然后运用回归分析方法对主要因素进行了分析,从而控制产品的质量。
The sentence contains impassioned rhetoric. 这个句子含有富有表现力的修辞。
The sentence doesn't make sense at all. 这个句子一点都不合理。
The sentence is ambiguous in sense, which makes the whole paragraph hard to understand. 这个句子的意思模棱两可,这使得整个段落都令人费解。
The sentence of court was three years imprisonment. 法院的判决是三年徒刑。
The sentence of six months imprisonment was most unjust. 六个月监禁的判决极其不公。
The sentence reads oddly. 这句子读起来很怪。

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