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What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret.

What was your opponent's best concerted attack or move of the battle? 战斗中你对手的最好的一次攻击或者行动是什么?
What was your reason for leaving ? 你为什么要离开?
What was your supervisor like to work for ? 你对主管对你的工作是如何期望的?
What was your typical workday like? 你典型的工作日是什么样子?
What we areis a nebulous concept at best — and pernicious at worst, when we use it to find excuses for acting on unskillful motives. 我们“是”什麽,从好处讲仅爲一团朦胧的概念,从劣处讲若作爲非善巧动机的藉口,却是有害的。
What we acquire without sweat we give away without regret. 得之不费力,弃之不可惜。
What we actually receive depends upon our attitudes, motivations, the measure of our attunement, and the extent to which we have made applicable what was received in earlier dreams and in waking experiences. 我们实际接收到的信息取决于我们的态度、动机、我们调谐的方式,以及使梦中和清醒状态的经验中接受到信息变为可以为我们所用的程度。
What we apperceive and interpret the world will affect the particular style of a metaphor and vice versa. 我们对于世界的感知和解释影响了特定的隐喻模式,特定的隐喻又以特定的模式影响我们对于世界的感知和解释。
What we are aiming to do in Medieval II is to give each soldier a more-unique look, personality, and individuality. 我们在中世纪2中所要做的就是给每个士兵一个更独特的外观和个性。
What we are demand is material. 我们急需的是原料.
What we are doing today is more than donating some money. 今天我们所做的不只是捐一些钱。

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