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Mr Putin is expected to win re-election by a landslide.

Mr Prodi can no longer count on a majority in the Senate; in February a rebellion by two far-left senators, prompted by Afghanistan, almost brought his government down. 普罗迪再不能指望议会了,2月份,两名极左议员,在阿富汗人的鼓动下,发起叛乱,几乎造成政府的垮台。
Mr Putin and President Hu Jintao of China were both playing to domestic galleries. 普京总统同中国国家主席胡锦涛都是表演给国内大众看的。
Mr Putin announced in 2004 that regional governors, hitherto elected, were instead to be appointed by him. 2004年普京宣布各地区的州长,从今往后就改为由他直接任命。
Mr Putin blamed America for starting a new arms race. 普京将开始一场新的军备竞赛的责任归咎于美国。
Mr Putin has opposed the missile defences being proposed for Europe by saying Iran's rockets are no imminent threat to NATO. 普京已经反对为欧洲部署导弹防御,他声称伊朗导弹并非对北约的迫切威胁。
Mr Putin is expected to win re-election by a landslide. 人们都期待着普京先生将压倒性的再次赢得选举。
Mr Putin levered Ramzan into his father's post soon after he reached 30, the minimum age for the job. 普京在他刚过30岁——担任该职必须的最小年龄——后不仅就提拔卡德罗夫接替了乃父的职位。
Mr Putin seemed more irked by what he called the “foolish” extradition bid than by the substance of the case. 相对于案件本身,普京可能对于他所谓的“愚蠢的”引渡要求更为厌烦。
Mr Putin seems to regard foreign debt as a sort of national insult, and is paying most of it off. 普京似乎将外债视为国耻,因此正在偿还其中的大半。
Mr Putin won nearly 53 per cent of the vote on Sunday. 星期日的大选里,普京得票率近百分之五十三。
Mr Putin's intemperate rhetoric is no help, but on one thing he is right: America and Russia have serious issues to talk about. 普京的过分言辞于事无补,但有一点他却是正确的:美国与俄罗斯的确有许多严肃的问题有待磋商。

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