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Combination of Voriconazole and Caspofungin as Primary Therapy for Invasive Aspergillosis in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study.

Combat ratings are only used with effects generated by items and do not apply to effects that are generated by spells and talents which will continue to work the same. 战斗等级仅仅只应用于那些由装备/物品所产生的效果,但并不影响由法术和天赋所产生的效果(这些效果作用还是和以前一样)。
Combat tree is also pretty standard to Adrenaline Rush. Riposte, Improved Kick, Blade Flurry, Dual Wield Spec, Precision, Aggression, Adrenaline Rush, Mace Specialization. Nothing in subtlety. 格斗系加到兴奋激发。要加回刺,强化踢,血刃速攻,双挥专精,精确,侵攻,锤专精,兴奋激发。敏锐系一点不加。
Combative in nature; belligerent. 好战的本性好斗的;交战的
Combination fuse-switch (CFS) unit compartments shall be designed and type-tested for arcing fault containment where the energy level available to the input terminals of the compartment exceeds 1,000,000 A2 seconds. 试译:间隔式组合熔丝开关柜(CFS)的隔室设计应满足,在隔室的输入端子的有效能级超过100万安培秒之处,能进行闪故障包容以及闪故障包容的型式试验。
Combination of Image and Spirit figures, numerous features, height scattered, distances vary, with considerable space depth, with enough full-yu expected, the performance superb artistry. 人物形神兼备,景物繁多,高低错落,远近参差,具有相当空间深度,充分用足玉料,表现高超技艺。
Combination of Voriconazole and Caspofungin as Primary Therapy for Invasive Aspergillosis in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Study. 背景:联合应用伏立康唑和卡泊芬净作为器官移植患者侵袭性曲霉感染的基础性治疗方法的疗效尚未进行研究。
Combination of eco-environ m ent construction and the economy development in the hilly area is the crucial wa y to realize the healthy development of agriculture and soil and water conservat ion. 达到山区生态环境建设和经济开发相结合,这是实现山地农业和水土保持事业健康发展的重要途径。
Combination of exercises and mortification is the most efficient way to lose weight. 运动与节食结合也许是减肥最有效的途径。
Combination of exteriors shot on the black beaches of Iceland with CGI work conveys a vivid and comprehensive feel of the godawfulness of Iwo Jima. 将在冰岛黑色沙滩的外景拍摄同CGI效果结合,展示了对硫磺岛清晰和全面的庄严感。
Combination of lamivudine and interferon deserves further assessment. 拉米夫啶和干扰素联合治疗值得进一步研究。
Combination of lamivudine with other antiviral agents or immune modulators is likely to be more effective. 拉米夫啶和其他抗病毒药物或免疫调节剂联合使用看起来似乎更有效。

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