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The Asiatic mode of production, namely, the monarchic ownership in the form of public or national ownership and the self sufficient economy resulting from this ownership is the economic root and also the most solid foundation of the oriental autocratic sy

The Asian side—Anatolia is broken up by the valleys of about 15 rivers, including the Dicle (Tigris) and the Firat (Euphrates) in the east of Turkey. 亚洲部分—安那多利亚被15条河流所分割,其中包括在土耳其东部的底格里斯河和幼发拉底河。
The Asian tsunami hit 14 countries in Asia and Africa. 亚洲海啸袭击了亚洲和非洲的14个国家。
The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States,The largest group of Asian-Americans are the Chinese-Americans.Experts say three Asian traditions best explain the success of Asian-American:eduction ,hardwork,and fa 讲西班牙语的美国人在其他种族的民族中失学率最高,因此,阻挡他们在劳动力市场获得成功的最主要是教育程度低。
The Asians decided instead that it was far better to be a lender than a borrower. 而亚洲人的结论是,当借钱给人的债权人,比当欠人钱的债务人要好得多。
The Asians decided to choose competitive exchange rates, export-led growth and huge accumulations of foreign currency reserves. 而亚洲人则决定选择有竞争力的汇率、出口导向型增长模式和大规模积累外汇储备。
The Asiatic mode of production, namely, the monarchic ownership in the form of public or national ownership and the self sufficient economy resulting from this ownership is the economic root and also the most solid foundation of the oriental autocratic sy 摘要亚细亚生产方式即以“公有”或“国有”为其现象的“国王官僚所有制”及其所产生的农业手工业相结合的家族宗法制的自给自足经济,乃是东方专制政体所由以产生的经济根源,是专制制度最牢固的基础和最深刻的原因;反之,西方“古典的古代”生产方式亦即每个公民都是真正私有者的自由和平等的私有制,则是西方民主制度所由以产生的经济根源,是民主制度最牢固的基础和最深刻的原因。
The Asiatic plains are very wide. 亚洲的平原非常广阔。
The Ass of Wickedness will come next, swift against the goldsmiths, but slow against the wolves' ravenous appetites. 邪恶的驴会接着来到,立刻靠着金匠,但缓慢地倚着狼贪婪的胃口。
The Assembly Section now has over 200 staff, 2 lines of 30 m automatic flat belt conveyors, 3 lines of DIP product line and one set of SunEast automatic wave soldering system. 装配课现有员工200多人,有30米自动皮带拉生产线2条,20米插件拉生产线3条以及1台日东公司双波峰焊机。
The Assessment Quiz is used to evaluate the students' skill level in certain key topic areas at the beginning of the semester. 评量测验的目的是要在学期开始时,评估学生对特定重要领域的理解程度。
The Associated Press calculates total pay based on salary, bonuses, incentives, perquisites, above-market returns on deferred compensation and the value of stock options and other awards granted during the year. 美联社基于去年的工资、奖金、额外补贴、超市值递延补偿和职工优先认股权价值以及其他激励计算出其收入总额。

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