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(OMB Circular on Economic Analysis.

(National Park Service, Brown v Board of Education Web Site. 国家公园服务,布朗教育董事会网址。
(Near Umbra): The spirit world surrounding the Gaia Realm. 近影界:在盖亚区域外围所环绕的精神世界。
(Never stop smiling,not even you're sad,some one might fall in you love with you simle。 永远不要停止微笑,即使在你难过的时侯,说不定有人会因为你的笑容而爱上你。
(No matter how busy u are,share same time with parents! 不管你有多忙,请与你父母分享你的时间。
(None of my friends can swim. 我所有的朋友并不都会游泳。
(OMB Circular on Economic Analysis. 经济分析的OMB循环。
(On the earth, children are playing hide-and-seek. (在地球上,孩子们在玩捉迷藏。)
(Our game engine handles collision detection really well. 我们的游戏引擎非常好的处理碰撞检测。
(Output Power: Momentary boot power is less than 50KVA, used for booting diversified high power diesel engines, oil turbines and preparative vehicles in winter's parking lots, chargable. 输出功率瞬间启动功不大于50KVA,用于起动各种大马力柴油机和燃油轮机,冬季停车场的准车起动,并具有允电功能。
(Overview of weapons used in game. 游戏中武器的概述。
(Penny)Have you ever had a lustful... thought? Have you ever, like, looked at a woman? 牧师:莱恩,你曾有过一些淫荡的想法?比如说,当你看到女人的时候?

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