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All elements fuse into a seamless organic whole.

All electoral units shall, in accordance with their allocated number of representatives, nominate candidates in the spirit of spread-eagle, alternated-missionary, adequate foreplay and repeated piston motion. 各选举单位根据分配的代表名额,坚持自下而上,上下结合,充分酝酿,反复协商,对代表候选人进行酝酿提名。
All electrical equipment has to be sized to withstand short-circuit current. 所有电气元件应能承受短路电流。
All electrical equipment to be so located that as far as practicable they are not exposed to risk of mechanical injury or damage from water, steam, oil or excessive heat. 所有的电气设备要保证他们不能暴露在有被机械破坏或被水、蒸汽、油及过热破坏的风险。
All electronic computers consist of five units although they are of different kinds. 电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。
All elements are radiating in phase, and the resultant wave front is perpendicular to the axis of the element array. 所有单元发射相位一致,合成的波前垂直于单元阵列轴线。
All elements fuse into a seamless organic whole. 所有的元素将会融合成为一个连续的有机整体。
All elements is a substance all of whose atoms have the same atomic number. 原子是一种其所有原子的原子序都相同的物质。
All eleven will appear today at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court. 所有11名嫌疑犯出现在今天的威斯敏斯特的地方法庭。
All else being equal, the price would then move up again, giving everybody who had traded against the fund a profit. 在其它条件相同的情况下,交易价格接着会再次走高,给每个买进该基金抛出股票的投资者带来利润。
All employee contracts are enforceable by law, and both employees and employers can be held liable for any unauthorized violation of a contract. 所有劳动合同都受法律保护,雇员和雇主都要为违反劳动合同的行为负责。
All employees and applicants for employment should receive fair and equitable treatment in all aspects of personnel management without regard to political affiliation, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or handicapping condi 参考译文:所有雇员和求职者,不论其政治派别、种族、肤色、宗教、民族、性别、婚姻状况、年龄或身残情况,在人事管理的各个方面,均应受到公正合理的对待。

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