Given that most of the gross economic product comes From the small and medium enterprises in Europe, this conclusion seems pretty far-fetched.
由于在欧洲,大部分的经济生产毛额是来自于中小型企业,结论看起来非常没有抓到重点。 |
Given that most of us have several current projects to keep up on, it's not very likely that we're be able to spend more than 10 minutes at a time helping someone who is emailing me out of the blue.
我们中的大部分人都是同时要做好几项工作,因此不太可能一次花上多于10分钟的时间来帮某个向我发送邮件的人解决问题。 |
Given that obstinacy, Mr Blair had two real choices: to leave Iraq and America to a still-worse fate; or to stay in, hoping to repair some of the damage Britain had helped cause.
在布什先生的一意孤行下,布莱尔先生只有两个现实的选择,要么把伊拉克的烂摊子全部丢给美国;要么坚持下去,并尽力去修复那些由英国人参与制造的灾害。 |
Given that people still argue over the reasons for the crashes of 2000, 1987 and 1929, it would be premature, to say the least, to tie this week's events too closely to basic economic causes.
考虑到目前人们依然在争论2000年,1987年和1929年崩盘的原因,现在将本周事件过多的归于经济基本面原因还为时过早。 |
Given that security, Wang's credentials are challenged only by those who feel that a No. 1 pitcher should have the ability to rear back and blow away a Major League lineup.
给球队安全感,王建民的证书是要挑战拥有第一号投手能击败大联盟的先发打线的能力。 |
Given that some 200m rural Chinese have little or no work, one way to spread wealth would be to let them to take more productive jobs in urban areas.
考虑到中国有约2000万的农民无业或待业,一种带动致富的方法就是让他们在城市地区从事生产工作。 |
Given that the Mixed ball game employs short passing to an extent, as well as relying upon the players intuition in making the play, it is possible to counteract the mixed play by getting a significant proportion of your team Pressing for the ball, thus r
采用混合传球比赛并采用短传作为补充,也依赖于球员处理传球的直觉,能够通过让球队对球进行大量逼压来应对混合传球,由此限制对方球员可以思考选择的时间,从而增加他做出错误决定或者传出坏球的可能性。 |
Given that the additional anti-warming steps that might be taken aren't yet known—and so their net costs are impossible to state—it is premature to dismiss them as “phenomenally more expensive.
事实上对抗全球暖化的其他方案目前还没出现,根本无法估算成本,现在就说「绝对要花更多钱」来驳斥这些方案,是草率、不负责任的。 |
Given that the calling card of hypnosis is precisely the feeling of effortlessness, we can see why hypnotized people can so easily mistake an imagined past event for something that happened long ago.
既然催眠的特色是无需努力的感觉,可想而知,被催眠的人会容易把想像中的事件错当成很久以前发生的真实事件。 |
Given that the discount rate plays such an important role in project evaluation, what rate should be used?
既然贴现率在项目评估中有如此重要的作用,那么该取多大为宜呢? |
Given that the inflow of tourists has slowed to a trickle, and most only stay for a few hours, the city's shops are in the doldrums and unemployment is well over 50%.
有鉴于入城的客流已经慢得出奇,大多数人只逗留几个小时就离开,城里的店铺生意惨淡,失业率很可能超过了50%。 |