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Companies that want to provide higher-value service may find enterprise asset management systems can help them develop a business that supports equipment at customer sites.

Companies that paid Y10m or more in overtime in arrears totalled 293, while the largest payment for unpaid overtime was by a manufacturing company for Y2.3bn. 拖欠1000万日元以上的企业有293家,拖欠超时工资最多的是一家制造业企业,共计23亿日元。
Companies that release less than their limit of green house gases could trade surplus credits to other businesses. 公司释放低于限制的温室气体贸易顺差对其他公司。
Companies that sponsor *ually explicit TV shows or art exhibitions? 那些为直接渲染色情的电视节目出资和举办类似艺术展览的公司?
Companies that sponsor sexually explicit TV shows or art exhibitions? 那些为直接渲染色情的电视节目出资和举办类似艺术展览的公司?
Companies that take ethical or governance shortcuts risk being embroiled in scandals that damage their profitability and mar their brands. 由于忽视道德和治理而导致的丑闻,公司往往会卷入而使收益下降,危及品牌的漩涡。
Companies that want to provide higher-value service may find enterprise asset management systems can help them develop a business that supports equipment at customer sites. 希望提供高附加值服务的企业,会发现企业资产管理系统可帮助它们为客户现场设备提供服务。
Companies to adhere to the people-oriented,the humanization management and played a strong rally. 公司坚持以人为本,实行人性化管理,起到了很强的凝聚作用。
Companies to invest in building Shanghai, Chongqing Expressway and other large infrastructure projects as the new situation of the capital market paradigm, and are an important sector and large-scale enterprises and consortia, and other aspects of accredi 公司所参与投资建设的上海市、重庆高速公路等大型基础设施项目作为新形势下资本市场运作的范例,得到国内外重要部门和大型企业、财团等多方面的认可和重视。
Companies use the most advanced and reliable fire retardant materials and the latest technology formula, thereby ensuring product safety and reliability. 公司采用最先进、可靠的防火阻燃材料及最新的技术配方,从而保证产品的安全、可靠性。
Companies using international Internet information platform for e-commerce marketing, the promotion of healthy products, the realization of online orders, form, payment, delivery and after-sale one-stop logistics, e-commerce marketing model for companies 公司利用国际互连网信息平台,开展电子商务网络营销,推广健康产品,实现网上定货、报单、支付、物流配送及售后服务一条龙,使公司电子商务营销模式日益规范和完善,充分体现出灵活高效的特点,形成了永春堂营销机制的特色。
Companies vending hardware and peripherals can use this pavilion as a platform to showcase products like Smart Desktops, Web Machines, Laptops, Hand-held PCs, Palm Tops, UPS, Modems, Scanners, Printers, Digital Cameras, Computer Peripherals, Accessories, 此展位用于展示硬件和外用设备,像桌面,网络服务器,笔记本电脑,掌中宝,UPS,猫,扫描仪器,打印机,数码相机,附件,系统支持等。

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