Try to make efficient use of your time.
(尽量有效地利用你的时间。) |
Try to make every possible mistake !
尽量早点把错误犯完! |
Try to make friends with Ana. She will be your good friend.
试著与安娜做朋友,她会成为你的好朋友的。 |
Try to make paper from tree materials, or even try your hand at recycling paper.
用树木中提取的物质来造纸,甚至试着动手制造可循环再造纸。 |
Try to make-up yourself, maybe you will meet the man who will share the whole life with you at the first corner.
让自己美丽些,或许你会在第一个街角遇到那个与你共度一生的人。 |
Try to meditate if you can.
试着沉思冥想,如果可以的话。 |
Try to meet new people and talk or ask them if they want to dance. Clubbing is all about relaxing and making new friends.
尝试着去结识新人,和他们聊天或者问他们想不想跳舞。去夜总会就是去休息和结交新朋友。 |
Try to mix FIBRE BITS with porridge, milk, yogurt, cake, salad and congee for a delicious and healthy meal.
加上可口的麦味,更可混合其他食品,如麦皮、鲜奶、乳酪、蛋糕、沙律、粥等食用,方便味美。 |
Try to nap in the morning or just after lunch; human circadian rhythms make late afternoons a more likely time to fall into deep (slow-wave) sleep, which will leave you groggy.
试著在早上或午餐过后进行短眠;人类一天的生理时钟,会使得在愈接近黄昏的时候,睡意会愈来愈重,这会使你很无力。 |
Try to open your thumb, the thumb represent parents, it can be open cause all human does go thru sick and dead.? Which is our parents will leave us one day).
请张开你们那对大母指,大母指代表我们的父母,能够张开,每个人都会有生老病死,父母也会有一天离我们而去。 |
Try to open your thumb, the thumb represent parents, it can be open cause all human does go thru sick and dead.Which is our parents will leave us one day).
请大家合上大拇指,再张开食指,食指代表兄弟姐妹,他们也都会有自己的家世,也会离开我们。 |