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They were disappointed for they had trusted, They came there and were confounded.

They try to foment nationalism through education and through public opinion,he said, and at the same time they also try to keep it from growing out of control. “政付试图通过教育和社会舆论激励民族主义,”杨说到,“同时政付也在极力避免民族主义失去控制。”
They want to increase prices without the consumers noticing,said Vera Marta Junqueira, director of surveys at consumer protection agency Procon in Sao Paulo. It is a type of trickery. 圣保罗市消费者保护组织的信访部主任琼奇拉说:“他们想在消费者没有察觉的情况下提高价格,是诡计。”
They were a wall to us both by night and by day, all the time we were with them tending the sheep. 撒上25:16我们在他们那里牧羊的时候、他们昼夜作我们的保障。
They were all about storms at sea , and pirates, and men being forced to walk the plank. 他们都是(讲)海上的风暴;海盗和人们被迫行木板/它们都是关于海上的风暴;海盗和人们被迫行木板。
They were all wearing leisure suits, going to discos, watching Star Trek. 「他们一身休閒服、逛迪斯可、看星舰迷航记,越战就这麽消失了。」
They were disappointed for they had trusted, They came there and were confounded. 伯6:20他们因失了盼望就抱愧、来到那里便蒙羞。
They were enormously useful for trade,she said. You can tell from the shape whether they were for wine, olive oil, or garum. “它们对于贸易有着巨大的用处,从它的形状就能看出它可用于装葡萄酒,橄榄油或者鱼酱油。”
They were extremely happy because of this news,he said, according to the transcript. 根据提供的稿件,他说他们因为这样的消息非常高兴。
They were just left lying on the window sill. 它们就被放在博物馆的窗台上。
They were more mobile, sharper and determined. “他们的移动更积极,进攻更加犀利和坚决。”
They were not drowned there in the wash machine,Hart stre ed. 哈特强调:“孩子们不是在洗衣机里溺毙的。”

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