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A: Please come in, Mrs. Chen.

A: Personally, I believe alcoholism is still a great problem. 我个人认为酗酒仍是一个大问题。
A: Peter, have you finished your English composition? 彼得,你的英语作文写完了吗?
A: Phew! It's been tough! 咻!真够受的!
A: Playing soccer is my favorite. (我最喜欢踢足球。)
A: Please check up the price list. The average unit price is five million Hong Kong dollars. There are eight different banks that will provide a seventy percent mortgage loan. Also, the developer will offer another ten percent mortgage to purchasers. 你可以看看价目表。平均售价约港币五百万元,有八家银行提供七成按揭贷款。开发商可提供一成的按揭给认购者。
A: Please come in, Mrs. Chen. 陈太太,请进来。
A: Please consider our profit margin. It isn't large. 请考虑我们的利润,并不多。
A: Please contact Customer Service. 请联系顾客服务。
A: Please don't move. I'll get you a stretcher right away. Does it hurt here? 请不要动。我马上给你叫担架。这里疼吗?
A: Please excuse my English. 请原谅,我英语说得不好。
A: Please fasten your seat belt. May I take those for you? 请系好安全带,那些我给你拿好吗?

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